IntroductionNext time i run out of battery traveling all there is to do is pop in 3 AAA's and I am set to go!
Parts Needed - Psp battery
- Three AAA batterys
- Two wires
- Dvd case
- Battery springs
Tools Needed - Solder Iron
- De-soldering braid/De-soldering iron
- Exact o knife
Notes: With rechargeable triple a's it's possible to recharge the battery's i wouldn't try it with normal alkalies
This mod has more to do with fabrication then electronics.
Here is a quick overview of what i did:
The PSP battery was opened up and the original battery was taken out, two wires were soldered to the +/- points on the battery circuit board. No resistors were used. The 3 AAA batteries were fitted inside the battery case and connected to the previously soldered wires. Simple enough?
Step By Step Tutorial1-

First of all you will have to open up that PSP battery and take out all the guts. To do that you must jam something thin into the connection gap. I used a broken scalpel blade. Carefully slide the thin object along the connection and you should get the battery open without difficulty.

2- Once the case is open you will discover two parts that are inside the battery. One of them is the actual battery and another is a circuit board. without that circuit board the PSP will not turn on which sucks.

3- Take out the battery and the circuit board, at this point they are connected together. What you have to do is separate the battery from the circuit board.

4- You have three options, use de-soldering braid, a de-soldering gun, or simply heat up the connection with a iron and pull the battery connection off the circuit board.

5- Now that your battery has been separated you can move on to the next step.
You will need two wires to solder onto the +/- points on the circuit board, the ones the battery was connected to just a few minutes ago.

6- Have one wire going up the circuit board and one going down. these wires will be used to make the juice flow from the 3 3xA's to the circuit board.

7- For the next step you need to prepare some thin plastic that will be cut. A dvd case works. The plastic has to be cut into the shape that would fit into the battery case and press up tightly against the top and bottom.

8- Find a way to cut the plastic, i used an exact o knife.
Now you need some battery contact point coils/springs for me this was the hardest part to obtain.
I suppose you could make your own out some wire but i don't know if the spring would work. You will need two bridge connections and two single ones, one single for the (+) and one for the (-). You can find these in any device that runs of AA or AAA battery's.

9- Remember the plastic you cut? now its time to glue on those springs onto it. Super glue works good. glue them as following.

10- Now once that is done stick the plastic with the coils into the battery case and run the wires to it. Flat coil for the (+) and spring coil for the (-). Solder them in place as you see fit. This should make a connection that will give you a 4.5 V output from 3 1.5v batteries

11- Use more super glue to fix the plastic in place and viola! put batteries inside and pop the thing into your PSP. Will new batteries it should give you about an hour worth of electricity..