Voice Recognition Controllers
Creating Voice Recognition Controllers. Here is Part 1 of this video tutorial the SR07 board this is the brain of the kit and does require loads of soldering. This kit is super easy to put together. This controller board is what analizes spoken words and determins matches. I plan on adding this kit to a Xbox 360 controller for things like (Reload, Scope, Plasma...) this kit can be found here
http://www.imagesco.com/kits/speech-recognition-kit.htmlLow Res Video 56k
High Res video (click on full screen to view up close)
Here is the final controller board.

Well your probably wondering how do I program it to my voice? Do I need a PC to program it? Well the answer is no all you need to do is assemble the included keypad and programming is as simple as pressing a few buttons. Assembling the included key pad is very strait forward and simple to solder. Here is a Video od the job.
Here is the Final KeyPad.

Well now that you have the keypad for entering commands your probably wondering how you will see what command number you are programming. With this kit it includes a digital display that displays the one of ten buttons you are able to control with voice commands. her is the assembly video of the Digital Dsplay.
Here is the final Digital Display.

To give you an idea how it work I created a small test video. As you can see you can program the device to any word and programming is very easy. You can program key words like "Reload" to free up button presses in the heat of battle.
Here it is Assembled.

Onceyou program your desired words you can remove the keypad and display to slim down the componants.