Author Topic: Hard drive upgrade question  (Read 6610 times)

Offline Dun_it_right

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Hard drive upgrade question
« on: February 02, 2008, 07:13:50 PM »
Ok I know that we have many tuts to read on this but I think I want to do it a certain way that sems allmost fool proof. I have bricked 2 XBOX HDs before so I definitly dont want to do it again and I am strongly thinkin about going with the FORMAT HDD option with AID v.4 10 but I dont know how to hook up the new hard drive to do this.

I also would like to save my factory HD as it does seem to be in good shape and still has some good life in it and can be used as a back up if something goes wrog in the future.

If anyone knows of a good safe way to do this please let me know. I dont know if I should unplug the XBOX, remove the HD and replace it with the new one. Then boot the AID disc use the format option and back everything up then use the softmod options as I did before. If I do it like this will it mess up my factory HDD? Will it even boot the AID disc?

Thanks guys!

Offline Craker

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 05:47:34 AM »
Ok I know that we have many tuts to read on this but I think I want to do it a certain way that sems allmost fool proof. I have bricked 2 XBOX HDs before so I definitly dont want to do it again and I am strongly thinkin about going with the FORMAT HDD option with AID v.4 10 but I dont know how to hook up the new hard drive to do this.

I also would like to save my factory HD as it does seem to be in good shape and still has some good life in it and can be used as a back up if something goes wrog in the future.

If anyone knows of a good safe way to do this please let me know. I dont know if I should unplug the XBOX, remove the HD and replace it with the new one. Then boot the AID disc use the format option and back everything up then use the softmod options as I did before. If I do it like this will it mess up my factory HDD? Will it even boot the AID disc?

Thanks guys!

Brick 2 Xbox HDD? O.O

I never bricked one! and if dont xbox format i format myself.

ZXB Installer, download it ;) burn it on a DVD and execute when you put a new hard drive or old "bricked" hard drive, and no problems! ;)

Offline ryan0

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 06:32:45 AM »
just use xbox hd maker

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 02:31:37 PM »
Can I just shut of the XBOX unplug it and take out the HD without it getting messed up. Will it then read a disk with the new HD installed? The new HD is from a computer and I have all the tools I need I just dont trust Just removeing the HD without it locking the wrong way. When I crapped out the other HDD's I accidently locked them the wrong way durring a hot swap ( dont ask me how but it happend ) and thats what scares me.

The aid format option really has got to be the easiest way of doing it if I can just remove the HD swap it with the other one ( not hot swap ) and load my disk. Anything that I want out of the old HD can then be FTP'd into my XBOX from my PC.

Offline Craker

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 05:38:02 AM »
Can I just shut of the XBOX unplug it and take out the HD without it getting messed up. Will it then read a disk with the new HD installed?

Yes, if the disk is autoinstaller and you have modchip or else ;)

The new HD is from a computer and I have all the tools I need I just dont trust Just removeing the HD without it locking the wrong way. When I crapped out the other HDD's I accidently locked them the wrong way durring a hot swap ( dont ask me how but it happend ) and thats what scares me.

The aid format option really has got to be the easiest way of doing it if I can just remove the HD swap it with the other one ( not hot swap ) and load my disk. Anything that I want out of the old HD can then be FTP'd into my XBOX from my PC.

Again, download ZXB installer, put the new or old hard drive and format it ;)

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 05:52:29 AM »
Yes, if the disk is autoinstaller and you have modchip or else ;)

I forgot to mention the very important part! Damn it its only a softmod! :fear:

Offline Craker

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2008, 12:07:34 PM »
I forgot to mention the very important part! Damn it its only a softmod! :fear:

A Modchip its the base of Xbox Scene ;)

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2008, 08:09:24 PM »
Cracker I just thought of something. My friend has a chipped XBOX, do you think I could swap my HDD for his and use my disc in his then while my HDD is hooked up to his XBOX FTP my eeprom into my HDD?

Could I just back up my current HDD and just FTP it all into the new HDD while hooked up to his XBOX while I am at it? :dntknw:

And please what I am very conserned of is being able to just unplug my current HDDs power source and not hurting anything. I asked this a million times but I dont get anywhere. Can my HDD be unpluged while the XBOX is unpluged without harm?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 08:13:45 PM by Dun_it_right »

Offline Craker

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2008, 12:16:20 PM »
Cracker I just thought of something. My friend has a chipped XBOX, do you think I could swap my HDD for his and use my disc in his then while my HDD is hooked up to his XBOX FTP my eeprom into my HDD?

Yes, but you HDD doesnt work on your "not chipped Xbox" then ;) Really, you need a Chip, is cheap if you install it ;)

Could I just back up my current HDD and just FTP it all into the new HDD while hooked up to his XBOX while I am at it? :dntknw:

Yes but is soo difficult, my old Xbox HDD have all savegames and data but it so boring backup and then plug into a nwe HDD, its posible, but a Bored process xD

And please what I am very conserned of is being able to just unplug my current HDDs power source and not hurting anything. I asked this a million times but I dont get anywhere. Can my HDD be unpluged while the XBOX is unpluged without harm?

If you have Xbox off and unpluged you can unplug your HDD without problems ;) But if your Xbox are reading o writing data on HDD DONT! unplug the power of the HDD!

I havent very well english but xD understood all? ^_^U

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2008, 04:13:45 PM »
Ok so I decided to go ahead and use the xboxhdm disc. I found a IDE connection and used that for the HDD I wanna use.

I ran the disc and when I get to the second screen I do as the tutorial says: 

" Type1 for build hard drive from scratch" but I get this error:

linux cd not found.

Any hints cracker? I know you probably could tell me something.

Offline ryan0

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2008, 06:41:53 AM »
follow the tutorial on xbox scene u need to generate an iso then burn the image to a disc,boot ur computer off the disc then u plug in the hdd u wanna put in ur xbox into ur pc,press 1 and poof u got an xbox hdd!

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2008, 04:17:17 PM »
Thanks thats one of the tuts I am following up with but I still don't get anywhere. I did all the copying the right way twice at 4x ( as low as I could ) on SONY brand cd-rw ( best in my eyes and I never made a bad disc yet on this brand ) but the thing is that my PC is SATA. So I have one connection for a IDE that I plug the HDD into and everything works but it is as if no matter how many times I DL xboxhdm and where I get it from its like as if I have files missing or something. I have everything set up OK and I get to the second options selection screen but thats when it acts like there is data missing on the disc which has to be impossible. Would the fact my CD-ROM is SATA and I am using the single IDE be creating this issue? I very much doubt it but thats all I can think of. It don't give me any kind of HDD error but either bad command or no Linux disc found. Leads me to believe something went wrong with the program not?

Offline ryan0

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2008, 04:39:57 PM »
no its not its because you have not generated your iso correctly and/or burned it correctly,i think u might be burning it in the way ur puttin the compressed iso disc image on the disc when you should be writing the disc image,go into alcohol 120% and click image burning wizard,point it to ur iso then tick the make disc bootable box and burn it,dont use the floppy disc method thats just :censored:

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2008, 07:17:32 AM »
Thanks dude I got it now. I was doing everything the right way but you see my PC is all SATA with a IDE connection tucked away out of view and that is what I put the HDD on. I kept the CD-ROM on the SATA thinking it should work but that its what the problem was. I then got a addapter to put that same CD-ROM on the IDE but still, didnt work. I dont know what it is about it but I went in the closet and got this ancient old CD-ROM, hooked that up to slave and it worked perfectly all just so I could find out that the damn stupid thing dont have a lock/unlock feature!

Sorry I should have let you guys know but I have been all over the place online and forgot what and where I posted things lately. :dntknw:

Offline ryan0

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2008, 11:54:06 AM »
u dnt have to relock it for it to run....and if you replace a hdd here is no chance of going on xbox live so dont even bother trying,hope this works out well for you dude i did my one real easy

Offline Dun_it_right

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Re: Hard drive upgrade question
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2008, 05:32:24 PM »
Thanks, thats what I thought but when I put it in I got the error. Its only mod chips that work that way and I am on a softmod but I do plan on going with a chip sooner or later anyway.

I could also care less about XBOX Live anyway. I am trying to get Kai to work but I have some buggy crap to work out with that yet as well.

Thanks again for the encouragement dude!

Oh and as soon as I nipped the problem I was having with the disc I found out that this is very easy to do. I just fixed a OEM HDD on a friends XBOX the other day using XBOXHDM and it was pretty cool actually


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