Author Topic: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games  (Read 12600 times)

Offline l0rdnic0

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Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« on: February 04, 2008, 10:39:14 AM »
We here at Acidmods would like some input on the needs of our disabled gamers out there. Unfortunately some of us are not able to just pickup a remote and frag a bunch of people on COD4. Can you offer any input? Below we have a few questions we would like you to take the time and fill out. We realize that you the reader may not be disabled but maybe you know someone who is. Lets see if there is something that we here at AcidMods could do to help.

When answering the following questions please elaborate and provide as many details as you can.

Also if you feel uncomfortable about filling this questionnaire out in the public domain, please feel free to PM me with your answer.

1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?

2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?

3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2008, 11:00:01 AM by l0rdnic0 »

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Offline ryan0

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Re: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 12:55:58 PM »
1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?
i have a partly limp left wrist from nerve damage gained after falling off a motorbike when i was 13,wrist movement is not too good

2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?
my left wrist cannot take much weight,gameplay is not affected
at all but i have to rest my left wrist against my leg all the time and it isnt very comfortable and moving my wrist for prolonged amounts of time hurts it alot,finger movement is perfect though,not exactly disabling but very annoying

3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?
a controller that i only had to use one hand with,one with sound reaction and infra red head tracker,it would not only be cool but it would relieve the strain i have to put on my left wrist
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 10:13:07 AM by ryan0 »

Offline prettierwendead

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Re: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 04:35:11 PM »
First off i would like to say although  im only 21 i have suffered from arthritis most of my life (no its not just for old people) and both my parents are disabled in different ways so this is something i can really understand and am very eager to support.

1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?

when playing video games for a long time i can get very achy hands (i know most gamers do but not like this)  the psp analog is the worst thing in the world for this thats why i love joysense i can switch the dpad to work as the anaolg wen needed

2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?

it can depend sometimes my hands can be very stiff and gaming can be hard work and painfull so i just cant do it.

3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?

the current things that have been done are amazing and both could benifit me and my parents my dad plays a lot of fps games so the voice command and infra red aiming would be great. but for me i would love to have a controller that is actually comfotable to hold there has been many attempts but none have suited me and some way to rest my wrists on rather than leaning my elbows into my knees lol

i dont think this is much help but i just wanted to fill it out

thanx to all involved in this and if there is any way i can hlp plz let me know i feel very strongley about this and would love to be a part of it
« Last Edit: February 04, 2008, 04:36:45 PM by prettierwendead »

Offline hd4real

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Re: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2008, 05:05:50 AM »
Hi all, i'm 27 and i'm disabled. I'm in a wheelchair but I can still play most games. I'm from The Netherlands. I am happy you guys think about us as we would also like to be able to have fun gaming. I spoke to ubisoft about GRAW pressure sensativaty for a way to disable it but do you think they listened. Developers do not care about us.

1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?

The only thing I hate about some games is when developers make games where you can not disable pressure sensative function as I can not fully press down the trigger. One game which has this (only campaign) is all GRAW series. It sucks to play the campaign. Also most games have parts in the game where you have to rapidly click or press triggers. No way I can play the game because I can not press/click that fast.

2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?

I have no problem with movement. Only problem is the triggers or clicks on the 2 analog joysticks.

3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?

A voice controller like yours is great and if it could manage to press any button in a game rapidly by saying a word fast that would be cool

Offline kink192

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Re: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2008, 08:04:45 PM »
1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?

twitches in my left hand, sometimes violant sometimes not, but always mess me up when playing online

2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?

yes, i move because of the twitches when not wanting to, and it just becomes very bothersome

3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?

one that is made for the left hand that has almost all controls done by thumb and not any way affected by other hand movements
It's been a long time

Offline tripsalot

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Re: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 10:47:25 PM »
1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?
every thing is thumb oriented and require a steady hand
2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?
my dad is missing the tip of his thumb on the right hand and my mother has hand tremors.both have games they like to play on my psp and my lil bros ps2 and x box 360, but they get discouraged at not being able to keep up on some games because there hands dont work the way the companies designed the controlers to work.
3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?
a modded old nintendo glove that converts the right hand buttons into finger movemen comands,or a mouse that is mounted to the index finger and moved by the thumbs,so even with hand tremors my mom could use a mouse effectivly

and thanks it is cool you guys though of helping the disabled

Offline mienaikitsune

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Re: Questionnaire for the needs of the disabled to play video games
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2008, 04:10:33 PM »
1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?
FPS: Moving + aiming + shooting. I'm only one person
In general: The triggers/bumpers/shoulders

2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?
Somewhat. Not too bad. Right now, I'm playing Ninja Gaiden 2, one-handed. Only problem is, I can't block.

Since I started playing Ninja Gaiden 2, I've gotten some rather strange looks from the 360 community, saying :censored: like I won't beat the game, one-handed. But, here I am, chapter 6 and still going strong.

True, the NG franchise is infamous for its unforgiving difficulty, but I like the challenge. After all, I did beat NG: Black and NGDS.

3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?
One with the triggers/bumpers/shoulders one the face.


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