Author Topic: Alot of questions....  (Read 1802 times)

Offline IceCold

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Alot of questions....
« on: February 06, 2008, 04:54:00 AM »
Well, I've been looking around and thinking about modding my PSP. I've had it for a few days now. It's a Phat and model 1001. Also running FirmWare Version 3.80. I was wondering if there is a simple way to mod my battery. Consisting of a single simple wire. I've seen it around but not sure if it will work. As I don't want the battery exploding on me because I've heard that will happen as well if you do something wrong. I've made an EEPROM reader for an Xbox which was my 1st thing ever making. It worked 1st try.
So I am familiar with soldering to very small hair like pins with hair like wire. It was a royal pain but it did work. So if there is a way I can solder a simple wire for the mod. then desolder it and have the battery back to normal I would like to just do that. Otherwise, I will just buy a simple Datel Tool which is roughly 25 dollars. I rather save my money and solder this simple wire. Then slap the battery back to normal after I'm done. Any suggestions/links to tutorials on how to do so will be greatly appreciated. I'm not a newbie to modding, I've modding various PS2's and Xbox's. Thank you, IceCold

Offline griff

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Re: Alot of questions....
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 04:01:08 PM »

follow kenshiffix's tut above-you can flash the battery to make it a pandora-then flash it again back to normal-no need for any wire or solder-it worked for me so i highly reconmend it :clap:

Offline IceCold

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Re: Alot of questions....
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 04:22:55 AM »
Well, I ended up taking the battery apart and desoldering and lifting the pin. I've got it working so far. Although when I went to lift the pin, It sparked. Which I thought short circuted the battery. I was bummed.... :beg:.... I had began to investigate. I realized when I plugged the PSP into the power cord, Then inserted the battery it began to take a charge. So, Turns out just leaving it charging resolved me proplem. I'm guessing i'm extremely lucky and it only discharge or "decharged" when it sparked. Now it's workign fine and I plan on resoldering the pin and eventually buying a new battery. In the mean time i will reconvert this. Buy the new battery, And switch it back to a PB. Thanks...


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