Author Topic: Using a PS2 controller on a PSP Slim (NOT docking station, plugging the wire in)  (Read 5262 times)

Offline Johnathan

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Okay, I know this is possible, I just don't think it has been done.

What I want is to use a PS2 controller on a PSP Slim. The original idea came when...

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max got released for PSP. I wanted to not only play it on TV, but I wanted to use my six-face-buttons controllers (L1 and R1 on the front face of the controllers): examples here and here. Not to mention, I actually prefer this controller on MOST games that don't use analog. I also know a ton of people that would love to play with arcade sticks on this game.

So what was I to do? Wait for an emulator to come out? Go crazy? But then the PSP2TV came out, and as most of you know, not only does this allow you to play on a TV, but it has a PS2 controller port in the back. PSP2TV pic

So that was my solution... until the PSP Slim came out. The PSP Slim, spec-wise, is a little bit better, more RAM, and caching UMD load data, etc. But of course, the TV feature. From what I understand it, the TV feature is better than PSP2TV, better quality, especially if you use component or S-video.

On to the questions...
Is there any way to make PSP2TV work for PSPSlims, even if just to use the controller feature while still using the PSPSlim's own video output? If so, would any rewiring or anything need to be involved? I already know you have to install a chip for the PSP2TV.

Or does anyone know of an adapter, or a hack like this that will work? I've looked for adapters of this kind, there's none that I can find. I've seen a few PS2 controller mods, but these all use the regular PS2 controller, and they either use it as a docking station or connected RIGHT to the PSP, underneath it. I want the wire going into it. I basically want my PSP to be a (non-portable) console system. At least when I play this game, and some others, or just when I use it on TV.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 10:13:41 AM by Johnathan »

Offline sojojo

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I've been looking for this too.  Sadly, I haven't found anything as easy as an adapter.  I have found out some info that may be useful (or not).

1. Sony filed a patent for connecting a DualShock to a PSP.  They may release something or not.  No official info has ever been released though.

2. If you want to play games, you need the PSP component cable.  The s-video cable won't work.

3. The way to do this is by accessing the PSP motherboard and wiring up a Dual Shock using Edhel's PSP Slim pinouts  I was thinking of taking an Dual Shock extension cable, cutting it, wiring the extension cable to the PSP and then connecting the an unmodified Dual Shock to the extension cable.  I suck at soldering so I haven't attempted this yet.  I also haven't figured out the Dual Shock wiring scheme yet so I'm not ready to get into this project yet.

I really, really, really wish someone would solve this problem.  I'd like to a make a PSP into a console too but mainly because my hands cramp up when I use the PSP controller and because my neck hurts from staring at the screen (being an old gamer sucks sometimes). 

I hope this helps.


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