Author Topic: wow it worked! going to downgrade my phat now!  (Read 1617 times)

Offline afataldonkey

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wow it worked! going to downgrade my phat now!
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:40:33 PM »
ok, well months ago (maybe 3) i was going to make a pandoras battery to downgrade my phat. i realized i got a battery with a new pcb chip, so i was screwed. after a while my umd drive stopped working so i figured id give it another try to pandorize my battery. well i was not successive in trying, and one of my connectors broke off my pcb that connected it to the battery, so i ripped off the pcb in frusteration. couple months later i got a slim, downgraded it, and its working perfectly. now i was thinking about a mod i am going to do soon, and then my thoughts went off to hot glue and then my psp battery in two pieces. so quickly i rushed under my bed (no joke) and grabbed the two pieces and put them together, put some electric tape on the pcb and connected it to the battery, and then hot glued it for security. then i placed it in my slim, plugged in my light!!! yay! so after it is done charging, i am going to use ospb 0.5 (old school pandora battery) and pandorize it, then make magic mem stick again, and then put cfw on my phat! so this is just a message to show that one mans junk can be that mans treasure. im sorry if this is spam, im just so excited. now only if i can get my umd drive to work and another umd door...

Offline FreeK

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Re: wow it worked! going to downgrade my phat now!
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 11:22:29 AM »
wait, so your saying your gonna downgrade to .5 OFW?
whats the point... you need 1.5 to upgrade to CFW's

but yeah it is sorta spam, but ill let it pass since it does have something to do with pandora's battery


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