Author Topic: Parallel LED's Wiring help?  (Read 5287 times)

Offline Mythtron

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Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« on: March 05, 2008, 04:03:50 AM »
I was planning a mod, but I needed to know something...Is there a picture(s) w/ all the power points on the PSP motherboard? (I already know 4: a ground near the speaker, a 5v near the speaker, a 3.6v on the power board, and a 3.8v near the top of the mobo)

Also, another power question, how would I power the led's in paralell? Like this?

And is it true that if wired in parallel, you can put an infinite # of led's (in theory)? How many can I wire total w/ a 5v connection through an LM386 chip?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 04:22:02 AM by Mythtron »

Offline folklord36

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 08:10:49 AM »
no its like this

lm386 output goes to the positive of first led negitive of first led goes to positive of second led negitive of second led does to ground on lm386.

Offline DubbleDutch

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 08:34:46 AM »
no its like this

lm386 output goes to the positive of first led negitive of first led goes to positive of second led negitive of second led does to ground on lm386.

it can be done both

you are wiring it serial but he is doing it paralell

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Offline folklord36

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 08:51:53 AM »
ya i know it would work his way but because of the location of leds  and lm386 to wire it in serial would cause there to be like a whole extre foot and a half of wire lol as opposed to paralell

Offline CrkPyro

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 02:53:08 PM »
And is it true that if wired in parallel, you can put an infinite # of led's (in theory)? How many can I wire total w/ a 5v connection through an LM386 chip?

no, you'll be limited to what current the LM386 can output.  Looking at the data sheet it says that with a source of 6V(they don't specify for 5V) that it can output 325mW (typically) so 325mW/1.8V=180.5mA (1.8V for red leds)now that 180.5mA needs to be shared between all of the leds you use. I'd suppose you could run an led with 10mA, maybe less, but it'll get dim. so about 18 leds.  That power rating is for 8ohms though so these calculations are not exact but you should test it out and see how many you actually can hook up.
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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 09:14:00 PM »
bout ur first question can't u crank out some voltage from the wifi?
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Offline Mythtron

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 02:55:04 PM »
Okay, so is it the series or parallel wiring that will get all the led's fully lighted? I read on some other posts that if you wire in parallel, it'll solve the problem of your led's being dim.
it can be done both

you are wiring it serial but he is doing it paralell
Is that towards me or folklord36? :dntknw:

So, aside from the led's, what about a picture of all power points known so far in the PSP?


Offline folklord36

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2008, 03:29:48 PM »
i stated the paralell wireing u illistrated a seires wireing

Offline Mythtron

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2008, 01:45:38 AM »
i stated the paralell wireing u illistrated a seires wireing
Okay, thank-you. :hifive: So parallel wiring is basically how you put batteries in a remote, right? (With the positive to the negative of the next...). And would it be a problem to use different colors of led's in parallel? (would I need a resistor (10K)?)

Offline Mythtron

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2008, 02:53:30 AM »
Would this be correct parallel led wiring from a LM386?

PS: Can a 10K OHM resistor be used in most/my cases?

Offline folklord36

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2008, 08:11:38 AM »
yep looks like u got it  i cant tell u bout the resistor because i didnt use a lm386 and my led are just normal ones at radio shack so if they burn up ill replace them easy

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 10:15:41 AM »
yep looks like u got it  i cant tell u bout the resistor because i didnt use a lm386 and my led are just normal ones at radio shack so if they burn up ill replace them easy

Um....  No...  What you have drawn is a series circuit, the difference between a series and a parallel is that in the series you have to add up the total voltage drop across all components in order to calculate the resistance needed, while in a parallel, the resistance is dependent on each parallel branch respectively.  In the past I would just link you to my wiki entries, and forum replies where I explained these things, but unfortunately...  Ok think back to  school (more than 10 years for me), parallel meant two lines were across from each other with eaqual distance at both ends, and they never intersect.  (Hmmmm...  Perhaps it would be easier if I had visuals, but those will have to wait till later today.)  A parallel circuit is the same way, sorta...  Each component, in this case LEDs, are branched off from the main "line" on their own "line".  Then after the the component they all branch back into the main "line".  Later today I will have pictures in order to better explain, but untill then, a few things

A. In parallel it is theoretically possible to have an infinite amount of components, because the same voltage is evenly divided amongst the parallel circuits.  (Key word theoretically)
2. Series circuits can only power as many components as the max supply voltage, since all the components are wired one after the other, and as voltage passes through the component, making it work, it is consumed by the component.
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Offline Mythtron

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Re: Parallel LED's Wiring help?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2008, 03:17:25 PM »
Um....  No...  What you have drawn is a series circuit, the difference between a series and a parallel is that in the series you have to add up the total voltage drop across all components in order to calculate the resistance needed, while in a parallel, the resistance is dependent on each parallel branch respectively.  In the past I would just link you to my wiki entries, and forum replies where I explained these things, but unfortunately...  Ok think back to  school (more than 10 years for me), parallel meant two lines were across from each other with eaqual distance at both ends, and they never intersect.  (Hmmmm...  Perhaps it would be easier if I had visuals, but those will have to wait till later today.)  A parallel circuit is the same way, sorta...  Each component, in this case LEDs, are branched off from the main "line" on their own "line".  Then after the the component they all branch back into the main "line".  Later today I will have pictures in order to better explain, but untill then, a few things

A. In parallel it is theoretically possible to have an infinite amount of components, because the same voltage is evenly divided amongst the parallel circuits.  (Key word theoretically)
2. Series circuits can only power as many components as the max supply voltage, since all the components are wired one after the other, and as voltage passes through the component, making it work, it is consumed by the component.
Z.  Well there really isn't another point, but I shall return with pictures...  and maybe cake...

That clears it up a lot! I knew I heard somewhere about the possibility of theoretically infinite # of led's in parallel! So what you're telling me is that my first picture is a parallel wiring (missing the resistors there), and my second is of series? K. I was sort of thinking what you just explained, but hearing it from someone else just reinforced it.  :victory: Thanks! Your pictures will hopefully help me understand this better. :yess:


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