I bought it for $70 on ebay, I am not worried about the warranty , and I am not willing to wait
EDIT #1: 
okay so i insulated the backlight from these spots in burgundy, and it was still doing it
and that is when i realized it wasn't the backlight that is still on, it is the lcd
so I then insulated the lcd cable from the area in green
and my problem persists
any other ideas
EDIT #2: I am still in the same boat, any more ideas guys
EDIT #3: okay so while disassebling my psp I have done some testing an if I push down very slightly in the circled area the screen will go out
EDIT #4: okay so I removed this piece thinking that it might be touching something it shouldn't

but that isn't it
I have also found that if I press down on the copper area where the left leds are the screen doesnt go out when I press on the green area (in my previously posted pic)
Nemesis: double posting is not allowed, let alone triple posting, edit your first post