Author Topic: Am I "Screwed"?  (Read 2161 times)

Offline ultimaarashi

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Am I "Screwed"?
« on: March 08, 2008, 06:25:18 PM »
Yea, so today I attempted to open up my PSP slim, and I failed more then a cat drowning in milk.

Everything was going perfectly until the last screw. I tired everything in my arsenal, but nothing worked.
Power drill? Nope.
Plyers? Nope.
Mass leverage? Nope.

I stripped three screwdrivers and the screw itself. And before you ask, yes, I was going the correct way.

Now, as :censored:d as I am, I tried to get the faceplate off a little, thinking if I loosened it a tad more the screw might come off. No luck. Not only did the faceplate come off, but HALF OF THE INTERNALS CAME WITH IT.
From what I could see, I grabbed:
The powerboard
D Pad
Bottom bar

Now, I put it back together the best I could, and everything works as before (Sill no sound) but the buttons are loose, all of them. They all work, and no ghosts as far as I can see. Also, there's a light bump where the USB plug is. Once again, it doesn't seem to affect anything, but it still streeses me out.

Why the HELL does everything I do go horribly wrong in some fscking way?
Seriously, remove 7 screws. How hard is that? Hard enough to make me screw up my PSP.

Anyways, am I screwed from ever doing a mod to the thing?

Offline i22foosh

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 07:29:37 PM »
You got screwed.

Well, back on topic.

I dont know how the :censored: you got the powerboard, lcd with backlight and bottom home bar stuck on faceplate. Yes, its fixable... just remove the screw or something and put the parts back.
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deda and reaper

Offline ultimaarashi

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 07:40:50 PM »
just remove the screw or something

How? I know there's this nifty tool that remove stripped screws, (My grandfather has one) but not for anything that small.

I mean, I used enough force on that screw to break the screen (Maricle I didn't) and it still didn't come off.

What's weird is that the faceplate was loose - It still is, the bottom won't go back on - from the screw. I was able to move it around the bottom, but the screw wouldn't budge.

I'm thinking about just seeing if I can get a cheap PSP from one of the members here with like a busted screen and use my spare from the screwless PSP.

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 08:05:12 PM »
Soldering Iron will remove the screw...?
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deda and reaper

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 08:07:18 PM »
im not sure it works but you could supper glue like a tooth pick or something than unscrew it.

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 08:08:42 PM »
Try superglueing a screwdriver to the screw, and use pliers on the screwdriveir, apply all your force, and turn it.
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deda and reaper

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2008, 08:34:39 PM »
geez that is alot of $hit, looks like you'll have to buy a new faceplate

Offline ultimaarashi

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 09:52:37 PM »
Ok, I just said screw it and I cut off the plastic part connecting that last screw to the rest of the faceplate. I'll tell you all later how much I f*ck it up.

Thanks for the ideas though.

Also, as a note: I didn't get all of those parts, I thought I had because the buttons came up with the faceplate, and the screen was ever so slightly attached to the faceplate.

EDIT: Ok, well I fully took it apart and re-assembled it. As far as I could see, there was nothing wrong with the speakers or daughter AV board.
Although I couldn't see a mother AV board, I assume that this is the mobo?

Oh yea, get this. I re-assembled the entire thing, checked it out, everything worked fine.
Then I try to get a smudge off of the top plastic screen case (On the faceplate) and I push too hard AND CRACK MY SCREEN. Well, more like a bruse. Unless you know where to look and the screen is white, you can't see it. Looks like a smudge. But you can see the faint outlines of a crack, whenever white shines through those few pixels they turn a reddish color. I guess it would be more of a bruse then a crack...

Man, I should just use my tax refund to buy a new silver slim and sell this one for parts.

Nemesis: Don't double post, use the edit button
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 01:46:57 PM by Nemesis »

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Re: Am I "Screwed"?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2008, 01:32:23 PM »
Try superglueing a screwdriver to the screw, and use pliers on the screwdriveir, apply all your force, and turn it.
what no dont do this its an terriable outcome


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