Author Topic: two points for hold on power switch?  (Read 2866 times)

Offline Nemesis

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two points for hold on power switch?
« on: March 15, 2008, 08:43:57 AM »
I was wondering, on the powerboard switch, are two of the four points for the hold and the other two for power? Coz I wire my trigger LEDs to the
last pin on the powerboard switch and my sound mod LEDs there too but it
would only work for the sound mod and not the trigger mod when i have both wired there so maybe I could wire the sound mod
to one pin and the trigger leds to another pin on the powerboard switch if that makes sense
LOL. Btw I'm on my

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Re: two points for hold on power switch?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 08:51:57 AM »
You e´mean you want to use the first pin for your LEDs? Sorry to disappoint you, that point only puts out a ground when the switch is pushed up, and the switch sure doesnt stay up when you push it up. Just to help alittle:

1. Power on (only grounds when the switch is pushed up)
2. Ground (for the power on and hold)
3. Hold (outputs the ground from pin 2 when the switch is down.

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: two points for hold on power switch?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 09:42:34 AM »
im not sure you get what i mean or maybe i dont get what you mean. as shown in the pic, i have negative wired to the pin shown in the pic.

what i done was wired my sound mod to the same pin which caused the sound mod to be hold activated but not the trigger mod. so what im asking is if 1 of the other 3 pins is also hold so i could maybe keep the trigger mod where it is wired now and solder the sound mod to one of the other pins.

Offline afataldonkey

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Re: two points for hold on power switch?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 10:59:54 PM »
if what you mean is have both the sound and trigger hooked up to the hold switch, just solder both of your trigger and sound mod wires to the pin and there you go.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: two points for hold on power switch?
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2008, 03:07:58 AM »
if what you mean is have both the sound and trigger hooked up to the hold switch, just solder both of your trigger and sound mod wires to the pin and there you go.

as i said before...

what i done was wired my sound mod to the same pin which caused the sound mod to be hold activated but not the trigger mod. so what im asking is if 1 of the other 3 pins is also hold so i could maybe keep the trigger mod where it is wired now and solder the sound mod to one of the other pins.


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