Author Topic: Making Pandora's Battery Without Another PSP  (Read 6409 times)

Offline OmegaNemesis28

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Making Pandora's Battery Without Another PSP
« on: March 31, 2008, 04:41:03 PM »
I know people have posted this already but I figure I post the one I recently wrote.

Disclaimer:I do not hold any responsibility for any damage done during this.
Most people say it does not work with Vista. I personally could not get this to work with Vista. So, try to use XP. Some have success with Vista, you can try too.[/CENTER]

Things needed:
A. 2 PSP Batteries
B. Any PSP (1000 or 2000, any firmware version, unbricked or bricked)
C. Butter knife or something flat and easy to use. (NOT SHARP)
D. Soldering Iron
E. At LEAST 256MB Memory Stick
F. These Files

The Battery
NOTE: delicate process please be careful unlike me

1. Take 1 battery that you want to be the Pandora. Open the casing by using a butterknife or something flat, BUT NOT SHARP.
NOTE: I Used something sharp and I don't think the battery will be the same. I punctured the battery itself, flames and sparks came shooting out. It still worked but I no longer trust it.

2.Once open, position the battery on a flat surface as if going to place the battery in the PSP. (Flat side down, circuit board up as shown in Pic A)

3. Locate the black chip on the right next to the big chip. It's labeled with IC04. With the soldering iron, carefully melt the solder on the 1 SINGLE pin that is directly under the 4. It's the last one on the left if facing it sideways. (As shown in Pic B)

4.Pull the pin UPWARD off the board. Leave the pin connected to the chip itself but bend it up so it isn't touching the board. Use the knife or something precise like a razor blade.

5.Close the battery up. If you wish, take some hot glue and seal it. If you opened the casing without having to break any plastic, then it should snap back on with no hassle.

Creating the Jigkick
1. Connect the PSP via USB with the 256MB or higher memory stick in. Go into USB mode. (You can use a memory stick reader if wanted)

2. Extract the "Pandora" folder from the rar file to C:/

3.Open cmd under Start->Run and type "cd..." 2 times until you're in C:/>

4.Type "cd Pandora" and then "cd mspformat".

5.Type "mspformat X". Then type Y to confirm the format.
NOTE: X = the drive letter of your PSP/Memory Stick. This can be F, X, J, M, ect.
NOTE: If it comes up with "Write Error" for those Vista users, I can't help any further as Ive tried so many things. Some say it has to do with the administrative stuff but I tried alot of things.

6.Disconnect the PSP from USB mode and then reconnect it.

7.Extract Pandora's Premade Files folder onto the desktop. Copy ALL files INSIDE the folder onto the PSP.

Creating Pandora's Battery
1.Extract Pandora's GUI onto the desktop and install the program. Then, turn it on.

2.Skip steps 1-3 but do Step 4. Press the button and it will confirm that its done. Close the application, do not attempt the other things.

3.Disconnect the USB from the PSP and turn it off. Remove the Battery and the memory stick.
NOTE: Once you've done this, you cannot use the battery as a normal one anymore. There are ways to turn it back into a normal battery but, it's high NOT recommended.

Opening Pandora's Box
1. Take the PSP, insert the jigkick memory stick.

2.Insert the Pandora Battery. This will automatically start the PSP.

3.If you've correctly done this process, then the memory stick read LED will light up a bit.

4.Press X when the text appears, allow the memory to be flashed. Once the text stops scrolling, press X to shut it down.

5. Remove the battery and the stick. Turn on the PSP and you'll find your PSP automatically equipped with the custom firmware of 3.71 M33. Congradulations. :)

What are the benefits of an "unbricked" PSP?
Homebrews and hacks!

Why did Sony stop the usage of homebrews?
Homebrews can be used as an illegal activity to pirate games. But, thats not the reason why hacks like Pandora's Battery and CFs like M33 were made. The homebrew community is a great legal place.

So I made the battery, why can't I use it like a normal battery? Can I ever use it again?
You can infact reconvert it back but its not recommended.
The reason being is that once your write the IRL (or w/e its called) to the battery, it erases the batteries "orders" to start the PSP normally. Then this automatically becomes an opening to the PSP's memory. This is where the jigkick comes into play.

Can I do this on any PSP?
Yes, you can. PSP 1000 (Fat) or PSP 2000 (Slim). Regardless of any firmware to date. Infact, this automatically gives you a custom firmware of 3.77 M33. This can now recently be updated to 3.80 M33. Simple process of updating like a Sony update.

Recovery Menu?
There is a cool menu when you hold down the R trigger when booting the PSP up. The menu has some easy and useful options like the ability to turn the PSP logo off upon using a UMD and other good things like USB charge on the Fat PSP. You can also overclock the PSP but beware not to go past 333 mhz. I use the default because it works fine for me. People say it gives performance boost but I personally have seen none except for battery loss.

Why wont this work on Vista?
Under the cmd when using the format utility - you'll get a Write Error. Same for the Pandora GUI for some reason. Some say it will work but I haven't gotten it too yet.

There are other ways to do this. Why is this special?

Other ways (soft mods) require you to have ANOTHER PSP that is ALREADY hacked. This mod allows you to do it WITHOUT another hacked PSP. Either you do this right here and now with your own 2 hands or wait for someone who you probably don't even know to ship you a Pandora Battery done themselves which may NOT even work.

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Re: Making Pandora's Battery Without Another PSP
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2008, 11:52:07 PM »
i never thought this would be possible knowing that you originally needed to have a PSP that could use the firmware 1.50 weakness....but this is great! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Offline noved25

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Re: Making Pandora's Battery Without Another PSP
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 06:37:43 PM »
link does not work

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Making Pandora's Battery Without Another PSP
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 09:27:35 AM »
nice tut, btw i like your username =P

Offline Trippy Whale

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Re: Making Pandora's Battery Without Another PSP
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 03:15:58 PM »
Heres the actual link just go to the site below and click on the file pandora w/o a psp


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