Because the PSP charger is 5V just like the USB output on a COMPUTER.
THIS MOD will work for ANY USB DEVICES that charge through the USB.
Such as:
-MP3 Players (iPod's and such)
Updated version:

Now It can be used to charge USB devises and transfer to them. (Those that use a Mini "B" USB)
To do this MOD U would need to connect all the wires to the same colors, except for the GREEN and WHITE need to be swapped.
Connect the green extender wire to the white Mini "B" wire.
Connect the white extender wire to the green Mini "B' wire.
Then just use a Male to Male USB with this cable.

Things U will need for this MOD:
USB Extender:

Cut the M USB side off on the extender:

This it to help U understand what wires are what if U don't know.
Use a plug that the PSP Charger will fit in:

I used the actually PSP plug from 1 of my old broken PSP's.
Connect it like it's shown in the picture.
Tape it with electric tape.
Or use shrink wrap.

I purchased an Archos 404 a few days ago, and it didn't come with an AC adapter.
So this is where this MOD comes in.

I also tested it on my camera:

A similar MOD can be made by using a USB A female to A female plug:

Male USB plug:

And a plug for the charger:

Then all that U would need to do is cut the male plug and connect a plug for the charger.
Then just use the USB A female to A female plug, connect this cable to it and any other USB device cable you wanna charge.
Don't forget to leave me some comments.

Comments are the only thing I need for the motivation of other MODS.