Author Topic: new to modding  (Read 1447 times)

Offline GD360

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new to modding
« on: April 15, 2008, 04:38:02 AM »
hey all im new to acidmods and im looking to mod my psp2000 . but first i need some advice on certain things.

first of all these are the mods i want to do:

a mix between the 7 color led mod and the sound reactive mod.
(7 color sound reactive led mod)

clear umd window

lights inside the umd window.

can someone tell me how to do these mods??

second what tools and what parts do i need and where do i get them (im in IRELAND)

Third : I have a 1G Mem stick pro duo that cant be read for some reason , anyone know why this is???

Thanks in advance to anyone with help

and one last thing

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Offline Dannon

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Re: new to modding
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 12:54:39 PM »
Firstly, welcome.

Secondly, answers...

a mix between the 7 color led mod and the sound reactive mod.
(7 color sound reactive led mod)

L0rdNiC0's tutorial for the Sound Reactive Mod for the slim can be found here

clear umd window

Easy enough, take the PSP apart, dremel out the area you want to be see through, put a custom jewel in place, be careful though as using plastic too thick can stop UMDs from fitting in properly.

lights inside the umd window.

If you can do the sound reactive mod this will be a breeze, personally I'd start off with putting LEDs in the triggers to get the hang of what you're doing if you've never done anything like this before.

If you're going to attempt any of these I would definitely recommend spending some time searching for and reading through threads discussing peoples problems and solutions, knowing what to look out for and common mistakes can stop a lot of heartache in the future but then again the best way to learn is through practise, either way you'll have fun unless you break your PSP, try not to break your PSP and hey even if you do there's plenty of vultures here to circle over it picking off parts. idea on the memory stick front, have a search on Google for common problems, though I'm sure someone here will have a suggestion for you.

And fourth...Have fun.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 01:41:40 PM by Dannon »

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Re: new to modding
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 05:44:20 AM »
In regards to the memory card, have you tried to format the memory card using a PC? i've had a similer problem with a 2GB. Wouldn't load so i formatted it to fat32 and it worked fine. if that doesn't work then it maybe physical damage.


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