Author Topic: XBox 360 Controller Led swap  (Read 19791 times)

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XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:53:44 AM »
Xbox 360 Controller Led swap

This is a very easy tut that was made for anyone who wants to swap leds that wants to minimize the chances of messing up

Parts Needed

Tools Needed


Difficulty rating: 2/5

Average Time to Complete: 5-15 Minutes depending on how many leds are swapped

I am not responsible for anything you do to your controller but will help you if you need it (through this forum)
Any questions, comments, and Help just post and I will try my best to help... :hifive:

1) The mother board may be stubborn to come out try pushing on the joysticks
up to get it out of the case.
2) Make sure your iron is to it's hottest point or melting the solder to
remove the led will not work well.
3) If the led you are putting in doesn't want to stay on the contact clean
your iron of any solder then hold the leds on the contacts with a small flat head
screwdriver (lightly) and then solder.
Step By Step Tutorial
1.)First get your controller that should look something like this...

2.)Now take out the battery and take out the obvious screws

3.)Then find the hidden screw found here...

4.)After that open the controller from the very tip of the handle (slowly)...

5.)And slowly pick it up towards the Left and Right triggers...

6.)Once uncovered you'll need to remove the rumble motors...

7.)Set the motors aside and hold the charging port and headset jack and wiggle it until the board comes off...

8.)Then set the cover aside and should look like this...

9.)Now remove the joystick grips...

10.)VERY CAREFULLY melt the solder on both sides of the led you are going to swap

11.)After a couple times put very little pressure on one side then the other until the led slowly comes off of the contacts...if you put too much pressure you will completely take the contact off...

12.)If you happen to do this you'll need to scrape the paint off the trace and solder the led on it...

Test it...swap the rest off the Leds and follow the directions backwards to put the control back together and enjoy!!!

FAQ/ Troubleshooting
If leds do not turn on please try all of the following before asking questions.
    (battery) to test the polarity and if it still works
    • Make sure the leds is on the right way (+ to +)(- to -)
    • problem two that usually happens
    • Make sure the contact (the trace connects to the battery)
    • Make sure the power is on (i know it sounds stupid but it happend to me:)
    • If the leds still won't turn on then use an alternate source of energy
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 01:31:05 PM by laxboy »


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Re: XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 07:32:45 PM »

Would this be enough or should I have more...

Level of difficulty 4/10
Time to complete 5-15 Minutes depending on how many leds are swapped

1) The mother board may be stuburn to come out try pushing on the joysticks
up to get it out of the case
2) Make sure your iron is to it's hottest point or melting the solder to
remove the led will not work well
3) If the led you are putting in doesn't want to stay on the contact clean
your iron of any solder hold the leds on the contacts with a small flat head
screwdriver (lightly) and then solder

if leds do not turn on please try all of the following before asking
1) Make sure the leds is on the right way (+ to +)(- to -)
2) Make sure the contact (the trace connects to the battery)
3) Make sure the power is on (i know it sounds stupid but it happend to me:)
4) If the leds still won't turn on then use an alternate source of energy
(battery) to test the polarity and if it still works

Offline mavictb

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Re: XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 11:36:29 AM »
I had a question. I did this on my matrix controller with no problems all 4 leds were the same brightness but on my cg led 1 and 3 are very dimm.

to trouble shoot I jumped led 1 to 4 and 4 lit up very bright.

when I went to desolder and resolder led 1 it got bright as long as the iron was touchng a lead. and ideas why this is?

Offline Jumbo

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Re: XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2009, 12:04:38 PM »
Probably bad solder job on the LED.

Offline mavictb

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Re: XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 12:09:28 PM »
yeah thats what I thought too till I resoldered it. I even used a new led. ohh well I will troubleshoot it a little more. I was just looking for some suggestions. the led works just VERY dimm.

Offline pujolsfan02

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Re: XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2009, 09:46:54 PM »
ok so i accidentally took off the contact.. :( so how exactly do i scrape off the paint from the trace? like what exactly is the trace??

Offline Jumbo

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Re: XBox 360 Controller Led swap
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2009, 11:42:58 AM »
ok so i accidentally took off the contact.. :( so how exactly do i scrape off the paint from the trace? like what exactly is the trace??
Use a Xacto knife to carefully scrap the trace until you see copper. Then take some flux and solder and tin the pad. Then u can either solder the led to it if its close enough or use a piece of wire to make the trace long enough to reach.


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