Author Topic: New PSP Rumors  (Read 2269 times)

Offline rceckspurt13

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New PSP Rumors
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:33:49 PM »
     As I'm sure you have all heard of some rumors floating around about what features the next PSP cnsole will have. Sme of these include: Duel analogue nubs, Force feedback, and Bluetooth. All of these sound like great ideas and i know all of them sound appealing to me. But the fact of the matter is that some of these simply couldent be done.
     I'll admit Bluetooth could be and has been done by some modders. It appears to work well for the modders that have done it accept you have to keep a plug in the headphone jack. The force feedback one is the one i think is most likely to fail. This is for a simple reason. None of the current games for the PSP have support for force feedback. Ya Sony could come out with new games with support for it, but the old games(which most of us have) wont. Some people have said also that it shakes the screen. You may argue that it could be run off of sound, but this poses another problem. In games where there is constant sound coming out of the speakers, the PSP would vibrate continuously. Als when the sound is muted, there would be no sound at all.
     There is also a problem with the duel nubs. This is the same with the force feedback, the current games have no support for it. Again they could make new games but the old ones would still suck. They could also wire it to the X,/\,O, and [ ] buttons but this would not really serve any purpose but in certain games such as Medal of Honor: Heroes. Basically the only games that would benifit from it are first person shooters that use X,/\,) and [ ] to aim.
     Again , they are all great ideas, but some f them just dont hold water. Please postr responses and let me know if you agree or dissagree. thanks.
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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 09:00:34 PM »
ok about when the psp slim rumor was gonna come out. they said it would come out with dual nubs and did it? NO so why would people think they would come out with it this time? SONY ISNT SMART! :D well thats just my 2 Cents ;D

Offline GhoSt

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 10:47:48 PM »
im gona argue on with the rumble cas it could be Made to pick up certain peak notes from the audio eg. gun shots, engine ect. i admit there would be some interference rumble but if u filter out most of it well enough it could work  :P
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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 10:53:11 PM »
     There is also a problem with the duel nubs. This is the same with the force feedback, the current games have no support for it. Again they could make new games but the old ones would still suck. They could also wire it to the X,/\,O, and [ ] buttons but this would not really serve any purpose but in certain games such as Medal of Honor: Heroes. Basically the only games that would benifit from it are first person shooters that use X,/\,) and [ ] to aim.
     Again , they are all great ideas, but some f them just dont hold water. Please postr responses and let me know if you agree or dissagree. thanks.
not really they can program in the firmware to act as the X,/\,) and [ ] for older buttons, and for newer games to act as a second analog stick. and it doesn't have to be for just fps it can be used to change the camera angles too.

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2008, 01:16:42 AM »
I agree with dslitemodder here. True, none of the existing games have support for dual analog, but neither did the older ps1 games when the first dual shock controller came out with the two analog sticks. while you couldn't use them in games like mechwarrior 2 and kula ball, sony just realeased game after game with had the support of (at the time) this new control pad. I reckon sony may do something like this. psp been out for 3 years, and it's only started to reach is full potental. Then again, we 'all' know what sony are like when it comes to taking in advice from it's customers. they make what they want, not what the consumer would like.

Offline afataldonkey

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2008, 04:30:55 PM »
i feel that all of these are possible. with the rumble, all they have to do is write a new firmware that basically tells the psp not to use rumble in movies and music and only use it in games. sure there isnt any support for rumble in current games, but i heard that the ps3 is coming out with rumble controllers. if game developers can make games for ps3 with rumble why not psp? dual nub could work the same way, just write a firmware where the dual nub controls X O /\ and [] in older games and it doesnt in newer games (to be created especially for dual nubs.) just my two cents but idk maybe im wrong, maybe its not as simple as it sounds.

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2008, 05:30:16 PM »
Simple answer to these rumors SONY=RETARED/STUPID         They are way to dumb to put anything on the psp to make it sell even more than it already has.

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2008, 05:45:03 PM »
Simple answer to these rumors SONY=RETARED/STUPID         They are way to dumb to put anything on the psp to make it sell even more than it already has.

Sony isn't 'RETARDED/STUPID', and the know a hell of a lot more about how to make a handheld than you do.

First of all, the next PSP doesn't have to play older psp games, or play them exclusively. It might be backwards compatible, or utilise an entirely new format apart for UMD.

Force feedback isn't a bad idea in concept, but it is in practice. It would drain too much of the battery to be worth it. Sony COULD come out with a new batter, but it wouldn't be worth their money to put more research on how to make a cheaper battery, all to have the research simply give the psp enough power to run rumble. Not only is rumble unnecesary, the extra power could go to either new components, or longer life.

Dual analog is more likely to be in the next psp, but if Sony really does know what its doing itll find a way to improve the little nub we call an analog stick now, because it quite frankly sucks. Although the nub wasn't added to the design untill basicly the last minute, so it might have not been on the psp at all, which would've sucked more.

In the end, don't plan on a new psp to come out soon. The psp slim is selling beautifully, and id assume that Sony will ENTIRELY rework the next psp, not slim it down and give it more ram.
Shut up, I know I am a pessimist.

Offline Cratos

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2008, 06:55:05 PM »
this is all speculation sony doesn't expect to release another psp in 3-5 years!

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Re: New PSP Rumors
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2008, 11:36:17 PM »
i agree with everyone that we dont have a clue and all is possible even more is if they want to i think it all depends on the market if nintendo came out with somthing new sony would release a half assed console just to take away from nintendos sales.imm sure they got a bad ass psp on  paper that will be rushed out then they will change it or revise it to fix the problems from the rush job hmmm history always seems to repeat itself


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