unless you have a cfw you will only be able to play umds and what you download from sony official site,that is the reason most people switch the firmware to a cfw instead of the ofw.and also i noticed you made like five post for something that could be covered by one,dosnt bother me but it seems most of you questions are all related to the fact you need a cfw,and there are tuts on how to do this just search for it,the flash games question can be answered on youtube if not here, it is through the web browser so i am not sure if you need the cfw to do it or not but i dont think so.
i personaly would switch to a cfw if i were you it unlocks so much stuff you will be way happier with your psp.
welcome to AM (use the search at the top of the page most of the stuff you have asked or will ask has probbaly been asked before if you cant find it that way then make a post)