Author Topic: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons  (Read 14953 times)

Offline JoblessPunk

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[Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« on: June 22, 2008, 10:53:57 PM »

Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons

I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while. And I would like your guys input.

What I want to do is use Electro’s guide ~PSP's L2 & R2 buttons MOD! By Electro~ to build for L2 and R2 buttons to make my own buttons. I’m thinking you could modify a touch sensitive screen, touch sensitive switch, or touch sensitive Lamp.  The Button doesn’t have to do 15 different things, Just 3. On, off, and know when you still touching the button. Also, The L2 & R2 letters will be razed so you can feel where the buttons are.

There would also be a button on the front of the PSP to turn on/off the L2 & R2 buttons. The button would be semitransparent and would have a small Red LED in it. When you turn on the L2 & R2 buttons the LED will turn on, and when you turn off the L2 & R2 buttons the LED will turn off.

I know your first thought,
“BUT The Battery will be in the way!”
I was looking at the custom touch screens and it looks like they are basically a sticker that you can attach to any surface. Then the “wires” run away from the touch screen. If needed, you could get a few millimeters by cutting out a section of the plastic around the PSP Battery.

I think there would be no problem with the second half of this (putting a button on the front of the PSP) with all the LED mods floating around I couldn’t see why this wouldn’t work.  As for the button, you could just mod a board, or a switch, and then use a semitransparent button from
This is just a theory build, and just a bunch of ideas that have been floating in my head. But I would like to know your input, if it could be done, if it has been tried.

CyberTouch makes custom sized Touch Screens


Offline afataldonkey

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 12:58:17 PM »
this will be almost impossible unless you plan on no being able to remove your battery cover. also you would have holes in your psp case and stuff like that. i think it wouldnt look that good. you could use really small switches and mount one on the top right corner of the umd door and one on the top left of the umd door. sorry to tell you the bad news :(. but hey, give it a try, id like to see you prove me wrong

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 12:51:45 AM »
this will be almost impossible unless you plan on no being able to remove your battery cover. also you would have holes in your psp case and stuff like that. i think it wouldnt look that good. you could use really small switches and mount one on the top right corner of the umd door and one on the top left of the umd door. sorry to tell you the bad news :(. but hey, give it a try, id like to see you prove me wrong

buttons can always be moved around. I was asking more if the idea of touch sensitive buttons could work...

Offline tanoz

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 05:09:45 AM »
i actually think this is a very feasable idea except having that led under the button will be hard. for the cables you could run them through the umd door sides and if you use flexible pcbs you can bend them anyway. for you button on the front you could buy a switch and stick the button on it and cut that little hole out from the faceplate. i think you might have a problem tho finding one that will keep the current on while just pressing the button once because of the size of the switch.
the concept is good though and seems simple enough in theory, you never now unless you try
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Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 08:35:56 PM »
i actually think this is a very feasable idea except having that led under the button will be hard. for the cables you could run them through the umd door sides and if you use flexible pcbs you can bend them anyway. for you button on the front you could buy a switch and stick the button on it and cut that little hole out from the faceplate. i think you might have a problem tho finding one that will keep the current on while just pressing the button once because of the size of the switch.
the concept is good though and seems simple enough in theory, you never now unless you try

why thank you :]

I would love to try, but I really don't know anything about programing. I think I would have to program a chip or something to make this work. If someone that knows how I would go about this, send me in the right direction I would love to know.

P.S. I was thinking of other touch Sensitive products I could mod, and what about a Touchpad for a Laptop? It knows when you are still touching the pad...

Offline yngmike

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2008, 12:15:49 AM »

As far as I know "touch sensitive" plastics (3 phase not on/off) require a touch screen rs-232 controller which is big (bigger than a PIC chip)  and would still need to have a power source and some sort of embedded or software control (programming)... The only thing that would work in my opinion would be an   ON/OFF touch contact, similiar to that of a keyboard..

pressed = closed connection
not pressed = open connection

impossible to solder to though... tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried, then tried some more...

Everything would have to be custom manufactured... IE flexible cable to touch contact with through hole solder joints on an attached PCB... which could be small but would EXPEN$IVE and ugly.

I would definately try something more simple like a micro momentary switch.... steal one from a CD-ROM or other small device that is broken to test with...

Hope I didn't sound to negative...


Offline tanoz

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2008, 02:44:33 AM »
no, you can solder to flexible pcbs and if you really wanted to could then attach it to a custom made pcb board. both are actually easy and have been done many times here. the razor nub series involved ppl making custom pcbs and i remember someone had soldered to a flexible pcb for a nub mod and recommened it as it was safer than soldering to pins. i myself have also soldered to a flexible pcb when i had to re join a break in a trace.
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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2008, 08:40:21 AM »
just a thought what about the power buttons on a ps3 never taken one apart but i bet you could find something like that the are just contact points

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2008, 11:43:08 AM »
Thank you for all your replies!
and no yngmike, you don't sound negative. I don't know anything about what I'm asking to do. I've just had this thought in my head for a while. I like your idea with the CD Buttons and if all else fails I don't see why I Couldn't just use them.

Also I was thinking about how to keep the light on in the switch. What if I connected that light to the Power light?. When you push the button on it would remap the L2 & R2 buttons, then connect the light to the power light so it would stay on?

Also alexandercyle, I like your idea, but I couldn't see anyone buying a PS3 just to take it apart to use for a PSP.

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2008, 06:07:06 PM »
there are people who sell just parts for the ps3, maybe you can find the button online without having to buy a new ps3

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2008, 11:07:45 PM »
I checked out Ebay and they are selling some PS3 on/off boards.

They look pretty big...and I wouldn't know what to do with them after I got one.

I'm a complete n00b when it comes to this stuff...

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2008, 08:32:25 AM »
sometimes people magnify them so they look bigger.  like if you notice in the tut section the psp powerboard you can see everything but in reality the points you have to solder to are really small. my recommendation is to try and get a size comparison

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2008, 03:33:26 AM »
i would really like to see this get built i would be so amazed

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2008, 04:21:16 PM »
i would really like to see this get built i would be so amazed

same, or something similar. I don;'t know anything about what I posted, it was just an idea that I had in my head.

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2008, 05:41:48 PM »

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2008, 05:52:34 PM »
whoa, system ftw  :tup:

Offline SYSTEM aka (Cyberpyrot)

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2008, 06:14:52 PM »
whoa, system ftw  :tup:

LOL I just noticed cyber posted that in R&D a while back I guess that thin touch resistive pad would work as buttons :D

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2008, 10:26:49 PM »

This is what you need

omg dude, thats like exactly what we would need!

Soo, in theory how would I make those work as L2 & R2 buttons? Just solder them to the remapped button on the face plate that connects the remapped buttons? and then for the light to stay on make it connect to the power light so it will stay on?

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2008, 04:35:14 PM »
yeah soldering them to the remapped button and they should work, but I don't know how to make them turn a light on and off.

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2008, 02:19:42 AM »
yeah soldering them to the remapped button and they should work, but I don't know how to make them turn a light on and off.

mmm, why couldn't you just connect it to the battery?

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2008, 08:48:54 AM »
I think if you want them to turn the light on and off you need a switch and you hook everything up to that switch
« Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 07:46:14 PM by dslitemodder »

Offline cjmcleod

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2008, 09:03:34 PM »
Don't bother with the faceplate button. Not only would it be ridiculously hard to get a LED under, but you'd end up drilling a hole and making a "homemade" face button. It wouldn't go with anything else at all, and look really bad. Just hook it up to a switch.

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2008, 08:55:50 PM »
Don't bother with the faceplate button. Not only would it be ridiculously hard to get a LED under, but you'd end up drilling a hole and making a "homemade" face button. It wouldn't go with anything else at all, and look really bad. Just hook it up to a switch.

Yeah, I've just had this idea in my head. I didn't even know if any of it would work, it was just an idea :)

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2008, 11:22:06 PM »
Have you ever seen a touch lamp ?

it works of a capacitive switch. You could just use tin foil or screws or anything conductive.
If you used foil stickers you could place them anywhere and they could be any shape.

On the battery door you could put a spring contact in the battery compartment that would hook up
the conductive foil when the door is in place and when you wanted to remove the battery just take the
door off. Problem solved the stickers can go anywhere.

Remember the Dymo label maker. It would do foil stickers that you could do raised lettering on so you could feel where the stickers are at.

The lighted switch on the front is also easy. Use clear buttons. Put a focused led from the side of the switch and the switch would light when the mod is on.

You could use the same pic cpu that is used for the sound reactive mod. You could even buy the board from Cyber and just change the programing to do your mod.

I have been thinking about a strip of leds along the bottom of the screen to indicate mods that are turned off and on. They could just as well be a strip that lit each and every button along the bottom of the PSP

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2008, 03:02:49 AM »
Have you ever seen a touch lamp ?

it works of a capacitive switch. You could just use tin foil or screws or anything conductive.
If you used foil stickers you could place them anywhere and they could be any shape.

On the battery door you could put a spring contact in the battery compartment that would hook up
the conductive foil when the door is in place and when you wanted to remove the battery just take the
door off. Problem solved the stickers can go anywhere.

Remember the Dymo label maker. It would do foil stickers that you could do raised lettering on so you could feel where the stickers are at.

The lighted switch on the front is also easy. Use clear buttons. Put a focused led from the side of the switch and the switch would light when the mod is on.

You could use the same pic cpu that is used for the sound reactive mod. You could even buy the board from Cyber and just change the programing to do your mod.

I have been thinking about a strip of leds along the bottom of the screen to indicate mods that are turned off and on. They could just as well be a strip that lit each and every button along the bottom of the PSP

I totally agree with you, and we have quite a few of the same ideas :)

...or touch sensitive Lamp.
...The button would be semitransparent...

The only problem I could see with the conductive foil stickers is that would the "button" know when your still holding it down? or with a touch lamp, just know when you touch it.

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2008, 11:00:25 PM »
The sticker would be exactly the same as the built in buttons. As long as your finger rests on the contact the capacitance is high and the switch output would be held. In the lamp circuit they use a flip flop circuit so you cant double touch. You have to have distinct touches. In your application as long as your finger is on it it will be held in an on state.

You could do a whole series of controls on the back side of the PSP. MMMMMMMmmmm I what about a rapid fire mod for any button that you chose to setup ?

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2008, 02:51:32 AM »
I'd really like to see someone tackle this. I would if I knew more about the PSP and electronics.

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Re: [Theory Build] Touch Sensitive L2 & R2 Buttons
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2008, 06:29:10 PM »
 :hifive: wana see it done but for the switch why  not use the wifi switch just take bridge the 2 for the wifi so the wifi is always on and use the switch for the L2 R2 buttons  :#1:

8 days & no response WTF  :dntknw:

PspKicks: DON'T double post. And stop the dntknw smiley it's annoying in EVERY SINGLE one of your posts. Thanks.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 05:57:58 AM by pspkicks316 »

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