Author Topic: [Alpha]Running Man  (Read 1390 times)

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[Alpha]Running Man
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:00:18 PM »
Quote from: DiNoGames;245122
Game Name: Running Man
Creator: Dirk Nordhusen (DiNo Games)
Version: 0.2
Description / Instructions / Anything you want to say: This game is in Alpha stage which means that gameplay and content will change through further development.
The main goal is to run as far as you can before you lose your 3 lifes.
You can duck, run, walk and jump to avoid incoming enemys and obstacles... or shoot them.

Left : Walk
Up: Jump
Right: Run faster
Down: duck (and stop moving)
Center button: Shoot current weapon
release all buttons: just run

When you are hit by anything you lose a life. After losing a life you are invulnerable for a short time. This is indicated by a transparent character.

SCORE is only given for the distance you covered. Later on you will get extra points for shooting things like enemys, gun stations, bosses etc.

While in the air you can still adjust speed to avoid obstacles

Download URL: RunningMan
Donations are welcome! You find a donate button on my Valgards fate Blog (Link in my signature) Thanks!


[COLOR="Red"]I know there are bugs! I am aware of every single obvious bug. So please don't post bug reports here until I release a BETA version.[/COLOR]

Please do NOT:
- use my graphics
- claim anything you downloaded from the link above your own
- use this source to make your own game
...... without my personal permission!

It's not that I don't want to give away things, I just like to be asked before someone uses the things I made.

I hope you like the game. It will improve within the next days.


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