Author Topic: Minesweeper  (Read 1690 times)

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« on: June 26, 2008, 04:10:27 PM »
Game Name: Minesweeper
Creator: CouchPotato99
Version: Beta, first release

Description: It's Minesweeper! You know, that game you play when you're supposed to be working? This is just a straight rip-off from the Windows XP version. I even copied the sprites. I'm probably going to get sued. If someone wants to make me new sprites that'd be awesome. I don't know if you'll be able to see this very well on an 8GB or 4GB Zune; I don't have one to test it on. The game doesn't have music selections or high scores but they are listed on the menu but grayed out because I'm such a tease. You CAN play on fields larger than the Zune's screen; the display scrolls. You can also make custom fields. I just started learning C# a month ago, so my code isn't too great. Also, it's quite a mess now. The code for the menu system needs some work. Give it a try, and if you enjoy Minesweeper on the computer this version should be perfect for you. I'm happy to hear any feedback.

Controls: Move with the Dpad, click a tile with the center button, flag a tile with the play button, go to the menu with the back button.

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