Author Topic: Beat Wave  (Read 2567 times)

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Beat Wave
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:16:03 PM »
Name: Beat Wave
Creators: ZNA (Greenskull, Khao, and myself)
Description:  Play music and collect falling notes.  Uses the visualization as a background!!! For right now, you're stuck with only 10 lives. 
Version: .2

updates in bold for v .2
Updates Features:  Random Music Playback
                         Visualization background(only start menu)
                        Let a note slide past and the music stops... can you keep up?
Lag fixed.
Visualizer for start menu only.. makes there have less lag.
touch controls fixed

Future Updates (Coming Soon): Life powerups, so you can play longer!
                                            Notes Spawn Differently

Possible Distant Update-  Notes spawn in tune to music... varying depending on a difficulty selected. It's not really too hard to do, just time consuming to get all the testing to make sure everything's all right.  (Expect to see it between 2 weeks and a month) Also, with this feature and having a visualizer for a background will eat too many resources.. so once this is implemented it's back to a normal background. 

Please look for the next update tomorrow. It's late and I wanted to get this out, i'm really excited about it.

** I would like to note, playing in debug mode has some serious lag due to the visualizer.  It works pretty well without being connected to the computer.  I will fix the visualizer a bit tomorrow to kill the lag even more.


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