
plz help me

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Author Topic: plz help me give me a break...  (Read 3124 times)

Offline jake the noob

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plz help me give me a break...
« on: June 30, 2008, 07:32:51 PM »
ok first off, i am a total noob meaning you would have to explain almost everything to me....i have been doin my research on it for like a month and have not found anything that i can use or understand :cry2:my objective is to complete my first psp slim modification. it is to take apart my psp place green led's in the l+r triggers....it sounds simple right...not to me :dntknw:i have no experience with soldering so my father(he is a jeweler) who is qualified to do soo will be doin that work...wat i am really asking for is a video or typed tutorial on exactly how to do this..from parts list to exact reassembly and eperience pointers on exactly how to not mess up my psp...this is wat i have planned i would like you guys to go over it and correct me if this is wrong. so this is my draft or plan i guess..lol

    parts list: 2xsmall very bright green surface mounted light emiting diodes(led's)
                  2xdifferent colored 22 gauge wire rolls
                  1xparental unit to solder it all

               basic theory and plan: i will open the back of the psp battery cover and remove the battery.i will then gently remove the warenty sticker and place it sticky side up somewere safe.i will then use my scredriver to remove the screw under were the sticker was placed.i will then remove the screww on the other side of the battery mount area.along with the screws on ther other side of the psp backing.remove the 2 screws on top of the psp along with the bottom screw. flip psp over remove face plate.i will take my small straight screwdriver and gently pry on the left edge of the menu buttons strip.remove the strip gently disconecting the components ribbon...place the compont to the side somwere safe...i will then gently pry on the upper right corner of the lcd screenwen loose holding it up gently pry on the lower-right corner tll releasesgently fold forward towards my body laying it flat.i begin realesing the large lcd screen ribon with my tweezers along with the smaller cable to the leftplace the lcd screen somewere safe.i will then disassemble the psp slim trigger assesmbly removing the two trigger buttons.i will then drill a hole determined by the size of my led's ..i assume that when the WLAN switch is active it has a flow of electricity..i assume the WLAN switch has 3-4 pins on it .1positve 2negetive 4 ground 5 no idea...my theory is to patch the lights off of those pins then returning back to the negative so then while the WLAN switch is on so will the led's....fiting all the small wires in in one complete circuit lighting the led's ...puting the psp back together and testing it...hopefully i will be happy with my results..

i would love to hear back on this plan plz tell me wat i will need to change or recomendations on the matter..so plz a video tutorial walking me threw this would be perfect  but a writen tutorial would be good also hopefully including very descriptive pictures...plz let me know on wat you guys think.... :hifive:thank you for your help..

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 12:35:39 AM »
lol very good you could have just copied and pasted the psp slim disassembly tut also

the tuts on the site has all the knowledge you really need its step by step as long as you're following to the word it will work



Offline jake the noob

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 06:30:47 PM »
yea but like i said i am a mega noob to this stuff so i would really appreciate just something telling me exactly wat to do...im nervous enough just taking apart my slim(star wars..lol)....if you willing to post a exact tut on wat i need to do would be perfect....i aslo ha another idea..lol ok if someone makes me a lil kit all pre-soldered and everything so i would just have to drill my triggers (coming with a power board so i could just replace mine with this one i would pay a nice $20 bucks on ebay for tht)so yea plz guys help me out..lol

Offline Nemesis

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2008, 09:06:42 AM »
yea but like i said i am a mega noob to this stuff so i would really appreciate just something telling me exactly wat to do...im nervous enough just taking apart my slim(star wars..lol)....if you willing to post a exact tut on wat i need to do would be perfect....i aslo ha another idea..lol ok if someone makes me a lil kit all pre-soldered and everything so i would just have to drill my triggers (coming with a power board so i could just replace mine with this one i would pay a nice $20 bucks on ebay for tht)so yea plz guys help me out..lol

4dp is your man for that job, hes awesome

Offline Velocity

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2008, 10:57:14 AM »
If you still want to mod it yourself, buy this:


It's a sound board which the wires are already pre-soldered to it. All you have to do it solder it on your mobo, and there's is an excellent guide of it by l0rdnic0..

I don't really think you should have any problems..just make sure you follow it carefully.

it's the sound reactive mod though, meaning your triggers will pulse to the beat of the music.

Offline jake the noob

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2008, 10:12:34 PM »
see like i said i do not want a sound mod at all cuz i like never even listen to music nor care for the pulsing lights.i simply want a pre-made kit...that shown in this video..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XpzxI5XGD4

Offline Dark_Daniel

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2008, 04:41:22 PM »
Jst Do What a Frend Tout me solder the wires to ur speaker
thrs gonna Be 2 little grayish dots
left 1 is +
right is -
Gud Luck :tup:

Offline ApheX

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2008, 05:34:46 PM »
if you ask at the auction section here at acidmods for a pre-modded led kit for the slim then i'm sure someone will be able to help. But i can understand how fustraiting it can be starting off learning how and where to solder. The sound reactive tut made by l0rdnic0 helps alot. tells you where to find a pos point and how to place the wires on the psp. unfortunatly i'm not sure how to wire the power board on a slim. I know 4dP knows how to do it so i'd ask him about that section.

Or get someone here to mod it for you.  :tup:

Offline Dark_Daniel

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2008, 12:55:59 AM »
The kid said he wanted a no sound led mod but a pulse

Offline MidKnight

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2008, 10:05:43 AM »
This might help

You may wanna ask whitetop to replace the missing images.

PS: a tri er is a shoulder button, right? why is it called that?
Look! A nonexistent sig!

Offline jake the noob

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Re: plz help me give me a break...
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2008, 10:50:47 AM »
ok i have a psp slim...so that did not help at all...ok you know the psp batery..there is three pins connecting the batterie to the psp ..is tht like a + - ground ? cuz i could just try out just tracing them and like patching wires to them powering the leds....i dont know but you guy think about it and let me know....


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