Well, in all honesty i had a bit of trouble installing mine too, but i didn't use the reed switch, i used the screen backlight point.
Im not sure about on the prototype but on the release version of the VU2 there's a PO point. You connect this to a point that varies between 0v when off and 3.3v when on as long as it doesn't surpass your + input. But at the same time you dont have to do all that, only if you want the different modes when the console is on or off. Otherwise connect it to the ground.....but thats not half as fun
If it helps heres my install tutorial, theres probably a much less primitive way of connecting up the positives on your LED's then i did but none of the points i found (and trust me i tried A LOT) could handle the forward voltage without messing with the screens or system as a whole. Also, please excuse the atrocious soldering, had a bad tip etc.