Author Topic: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch  (Read 25849 times)

Offline Crazy Germans

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2008, 10:16:41 PM »
so how do you go about programming with these things?  Cuz if they do release the code, then I'd like to be able to program my own.

And which programmer would be the best if I were to just use it for those kinds of chips?

Offline redryno1221

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2008, 10:30:03 PM »
he used a pic 12f683 if i'm not mistaken and you can get a programmer for $25 HERE. i used this and it works. :tup:

Offline gameroms

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2008, 11:46:04 PM »
heres link yo one you can build, and includes a parts list
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 12:11:30 AM by KingMike_OS »

Offline Ack Like You Know

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2008, 04:02:52 AM »
I'll keep asking till I get a there ANY way I could have you email me the sleeper .hex so I could try it out? I have 12F683's. I have a programmer. I have a soldering iron. I have solder. I have wire. I have buttons. I NEED CODE!!

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2008, 04:10:58 AM »
I'll keep asking till I get a there ANY way I could have you email me the sleeper .hex so I could try it out? I have 12F683's. I have a programmer. I have a soldering iron. I have solder. I have wire. I have buttons. I NEED CODE!!

heres your reply

The Only way you can do that is to buy it chip for 7.99 from out website like everyone else.

I'm Not releasing this code. "Stop Asking"

Oh &  if I here one more thing about this i'm Removing  any topic related to this & if  Ihere

Just one more thing about i want i want i want, the trigger Hex will be the last thing was

release by Me Ever. Crystal Clear 

Now if you don't get English I can do it in 5 other Lang i'm sure i get Get my point to you one way or Other.

copredeh esa

And what you know some jack ass got the kit on ebay Dule Trigger Rapid fire WOW not even one day yet

he wasnt replying to me he was replying to another person, only reason he released the other code was i assume to replace the first original hex code for rapid fire that some claimed it wasnt working properly, and now ebay :censored:ers are making profit off it
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 04:12:50 AM by Nemesis »

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2008, 05:08:13 AM »
That's fine. Just a bit ridiculous though. He's doing the same thing people on ebay are doing (not charging nearly as much though), but he's keeping the code for himself. I've been trying to get someone to help me with the hex for a while. Look way back into the PIC programmer section of this forum. Now that it's finally out, he's not willing to share the only one that doesn't require me drilling holes in my controller. Guess my efforts are futile.

Offline KingMike_OS

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2008, 05:09:11 AM »
well we are not really upset about the ebay thing since most of you only wanted the code for youselves we put other code in the chip to shut the chip down after 1,000 uses which is no big deal for people who own programmers to re flash there chips but the ebayers will have som pissed off customers when they have to ship the chip back to them once a month.

I'll keep asking till I get a there ANY way I could have you email me the sleeper .hex so I could try it out? I have 12F683's. I have a programmer. I have a soldering iron. I have solder. I have wire. I have buttons. I NEED CODE!!

How about i send you a few chip old and new style you test them and keep it after you done i pay for shipping so its free best i can do take it or leave it.
your not getting the Code.

That's fine. Just a bit ridiculous though. He's doing the same thing people on ebay are doing (not charging nearly as much though), but he's keeping the code for himself. I've been trying to get someone to help me with the hex for a while. Look way back into the PIC programmer section of this forum. Now that it's finally out, he's not willing to share the only one that doesn't require me drilling holes in my controller. Guess my efforts are futile.

I should just take them off and then all ebay people be happy again ... go buy it for 30.00 off ebay
or have it per moded for 120.00 - 200.00.
Buy runing you mouth all you doing taking away from other people. We don't have to do anything
I can be just like other people we show you a free way to do rapid fire all i got :censored: from people
Release the code for split fire it's too hard. give the code for trigger 24h later on ebay. now you want this. You can never make people happy Ever always something.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 05:51:21 AM by KingMike_OS »

Offline Ack Like You Know

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2008, 06:08:19 AM »
I got a bunch of 12F683's. I'll mail them to you and you can program them for me if you would be so kind. I'll even pay shipping both ways if that works out best. I just wanted to be able to program them for my buddies and not accrue too much cost on it as the controllers for them cost me enough. Let me know if you'd be able to help me out. Thanks

Offline Crazy Germans

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2008, 08:18:12 AM »
well we are not really upset about the ebay thing since most of you only wanted the code for youselves we put other code in the chip to shut the chip down after 1,000 uses which is no big deal for people who own programmers to re flash there chips but the ebayers will have som pissed off customers when they have to ship the chip back to them once a month.
hold up what???  What about all of us people who just want rapidfire for ourselves, but don't have a programmer.  And even if I did why would  I ever want to reprogram it after 1000 uses?  That seems like it would be really time consuming.  And is this on all chips?  Like the one that works with new, old, and the 3 wire.

Cuz if it is then I'm for sure not buying any.  It's not worth it even if it's cheaper.

Or... is this just in the code that you've released and not on the precoded chips that you sell.  Because then I guess that would make sense.  Cuz ppl would buy more from you cuz they don't have that 1000 limit.  But if they have a programmer themselves and don't mind reprogramming it, then it would be free to them.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 08:22:22 AM by Crazy Germans »

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2008, 10:20:32 AM »
hold up what???  What about all of us people who just want rapidfire for ourselves, but don't have a programmer.  And even if I did why would  I ever want to reprogram it after 1000 uses?  That seems like it would be really time consuming.  And is this on all chips?  Like the one that works with new, old, and the 3 wire.

Cuz if it is then I'm for sure not buying any.  It's not worth it even if it's cheaper.

Or... is this just in the code that you've released and not on the precoded chips that you sell.  Because then I guess that would make sense.  Cuz ppl would buy more from you cuz they don't have that 1000 limit.  But if they have a programmer themselves and don't mind reprogramming it, then it would be free to them.

If you bought the chip from the shop there is no limit... if you used the free code to flash your own chip there is a 1,000 use limit we did this because we knew some people would steal our code and sell it on ebay once there customers find there chip stops working they will be angry..

Offline Ack Like You Know

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2008, 10:34:23 AM »
So that means for even us users who are going to install this into our controllers that is going to cause us to uninstall and then reinstall. So, it's looking like the best way to install this now is externally like the original spitfire, with the nice little seated holder.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2008, 11:27:04 AM »
So that means for even us users who are going to install this into our controllers that is going to cause us to uninstall and then reinstall. So, it's looking like the best way to install this now is externally like the original spitfire, with the nice little seated holder.

even if you didnt have to change the chip after 1,000 uses its always recommended to solder to a "seated holder" to prevent overheating to the chip. but yes that would be the case to save yourself re-soldering everything again to a new chip.changing the PIC is not a major issue if you have a programmer as 12f683 chips are very cheap, it's only a problem for the ebay seller's customers as they have no idea what the issue would be after it's 1,000 uses and would only have the option of returning it to the seller.

Offline Ack Like You Know

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2008, 11:30:11 AM »
Yeah, that's what I meant. Just wanted to know before I went and hard-soldered the thing into the controller. Will make a quick trip to the shack. Those IC sockets are only $2 for a pair, so it should be good to go and will not have to worry about too much mess with securing it to the base of the battery holder.

Offline Crazy Germans

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2008, 12:52:54 PM »
If you bought the chip from the shop there is no limit... if you used the free code to flash your own chip there is a 1,000 use limit we did this because we knew some people would steal our code and sell it on ebay once there customers find there chip stops working they will be angry..
Okay thank you.  I think that it's a great idea to put the limit on the free code cuz those ppl sell for psycho prices on ebay.  I'm just glad that they don't have a limit when I buy them from you guys.  That's a good way about going to do it.  I just ordered 2 for me and a friend.  Thanks a ton!

Offline IDontGetHowtoWire

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2008, 02:12:49 PM »
Just support these guys for what they do for the modding community. Spend $7.99 on one. It's just basically nickels and dimes. :)

Offline Crazy Germans

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #45 on: July 31, 2008, 03:38:21 PM »
Just support these guys for what they do for the modding community. Spend $7.99 on one. It's just basically nickels and dimes. :)
Yes I will, as should others.  Even if you're going to be programming your own chip, you should at least buy one from these guys.  They did a lot for us.

Offline KingMike_OS

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #46 on: July 31, 2008, 04:11:18 PM »
Thank you ...  :dribble:

Offline Ch4rL13

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #47 on: July 31, 2008, 05:06:33 PM »
lawl, we found out wut makes mike happy, go buy a crap load of those chips

Offline kink192

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2008, 08:48:41 PM »
i think what makes mike happy is giving him the respect he deserves. so basically yinz released a trial version of the .hex lol people are gonna be p!$$ed off when they find out
It's been a long time

Offline Ack Like You Know

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2008, 02:27:48 PM »
Just a quick question before I let my argument die with there ANY way of getting the code for this released with that 1,000 use limit or some sort of security on it to limit people trying to sell it? Since you were able to do it with other ones, I was wondering if you could do it with this code. Don't take offense, I'm genuinely interested. Thanks

Offline IDontGetHowtoWire

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2008, 06:23:09 PM »
Just a quick question before I let my argument die with there ANY way of getting the code for this released with that 1,000 use limit or some sort of security on it to limit people trying to sell it? Since you were able to do it with other ones, I was wondering if you could do it with this code. Don't take offense, I'm genuinely interested. Thanks

Just let it die.  :hifive: jk

Offline SpartanXx666xX

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2008, 01:24:15 PM »
if he was gonna release, he would have allready done it, instead of selling a kit?  stop being cheap and buy a kit. 

you could buy 3 of his kits, or buy 1 from ebay, so why complain?

hes doing you a favor and your still not happy.

i dont understand, i looked under the kits section and it said there are kits only for rapid fire WITH switches and the spit fire....!!!

i dont see a kit for sleeper rapid fire

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2008, 01:32:37 PM »
well we are not really upset about the ebay thing since most of you only wanted the code for youselves we put other code in the chip to shut the chip down after 1,000 uses which is no big deal for people who own programmers to re flash there chips but the ebayers will have som pissed off customers when they have to ship the chip back to them once a month.

whoa, the chips dies after 1000 uses, what? i didnt know that till now, well i guess it wont be that hard to re flash em but thats news to me.

How about i send you a few chip old and new style you test them and keep it after you done i pay for shipping so its free best i can do take it or leave it.
your not getting the Code.

Ill take that offer but i wont mind paying the shipping, just kidding, but that would be nice;)


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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2008, 03:46:39 PM »
I too wouldn't mind the code if it had a 1,000 use cap on it.
I spent a bunch of money on a Programmer, Chips, and other stuff, and now no one is posting code.
I guess I'll stick to regular rapid fire.

Offline Crazy Germans

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2008, 11:31:46 PM »
okay, I don't know much about rapidfire, but I installed the chips today. It works seamlessly in CoD4 and I've been smiling for hours now.  But I thought that you could use rapidfire in alll FPS games.  Cuz when I tried using it in Halo 3 and RSV2, it was very sporadic and didn't even fire half the time, yet it works perfectly for cod.

Can someone please explain to me why this is?  And are all rapidfire mods basically only used for CoD4?

And one more question:  I set up a dual rapid fire mod with momentary buttons.  How it works is that I have to press the button, then that switches that trigger to rapidfire and back.  Is that how it's supposed to be?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 12:43:06 AM by Crazy Germans »

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2008, 05:16:37 AM »
Crazy Germans:  Some FPS games were actually coded by the developers to monitor the trigger fire and ignore hardware rapidfire pulses in the game. I cannot remember where I read this, but it was a reliable source (Kotaku??).

There is a limit at how fast the fire button can be pulsed.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2008, 07:48:12 AM »
Yes Halo3 is like that .. WE should have a Fix for Halo 3 soon

my 3 wire Install with the switch not trigger works on halo 3

needler = fire's dead center
Ghost   = Fire Faster
Plasma = Rapid
and some other ones.
and improve other gun Accuracy but its useless

And one more question:  I set up a dual rapid fire mod with momentary buttons.  How it works is that I have to press the button, then that switches that trigger to rapidfire and back.  Is that how it's supposed to be?

Yes switch one on/off for right trigger
      Swith Two on/off for the Left Trigger for games like halo 2 that you can have 2 gun.

I tested it on Gears of wars and the pistol fires rapid fire.

Offline Crazy Germans

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2008, 09:50:46 AM »
Well currently I'm using this chip and it's not working for anything other than CoD4.  Which chip in the store is the most updated one that can be used in all games?  Or are they not perfected in all games yet?

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2008, 11:46:45 PM »
Yes Halo3 is like that .. WE should have a Fix for Halo 3 soon

I order 10 of this chip thinkin it was going to work with HALO I should have waited longer.

Keep us posted when you get this 3 wire working with all FPS.

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Re: Sleeper Rapidfire on the right trigger no externla switch
« Reply #59 on: August 04, 2008, 12:11:20 AM »
Halo 3 works on 3 wire i tested it my self.

the only one we having the problem its the trigger way


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