Author Topic: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP  (Read 5812 times)

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:00:04 AM »
I have answered several people who have asked about touch screens lately.

I am reposting a PM here so people will have an understanding of how complex
this project would be:

The problem not is how hard it is to do a touch screen.

I have done touch screens on other projects.  The pic code I could even give you.

The problem is the operating system is not designed to handle it.
The entire CFW would have to be redesigned to accept and absolute position system.

A joystick starts with a cursor anywhere on the screen. Then the resistance is changed causing the cursor or pointer or whatever to move at a relative speed ( the  further the joystick is pushed the faster it moves ) Your eyes and hands control how far and how fast the cursor moves to the point that you decide to stop.

Then when you push select ( the x button ). that is the result.

That is why it is called a relative pointer system.

With a touch screen you touch the screen with a pointed object. The screen outputs a fixed resistance for that point and that point only. There is no way to control speed.

This is an absolute system. It is fixed.

Now if you are doing a menu system for instance, there is no select function even, when you touch the screen at that point, that becomes your select.

This is an absolute system.

Everything you do on the PSP would have to be rewritten, from scratch. Nothing would work the same at all.

Ever wonder why the DS has both touch screen and joystick ?

The CFW that we run on our systems is patched Sony firmware.

Dark Alex and others have done brilliant jobs of decoding the software and making
changes to do what we want it to do. But 85% of the code is still Sony Firmware.
That is why when we upgrade firmware they have us go get the latest Sony
Firmware in order to PATCH it.

The job of writing a complete operating system for the PSP is an unbelievable task.
There are rumors of people working on it, but I would have to see it to believe it.
Then all Sony would have to do is make minor changes to make it all useless.

The job that we are doing is fantastic and what we can all do modifying PSPs to
get them to do what we want them to do.

I would compare the task of doing this to the task of going from DOS to Windows.
You would have to build everything from reading and using a mouse to select things,
the entire menu system, just about everything you use and take for granted in the
Windows operating system.

How long would it take a single person to write Windows XP ?

Then if you change the operating system you would have to change every program
that depends on the operating system to work.

A lot of the smartest people have put thought into this and how to make it work.
Would it be worth it only to be able to use it in one or two programs ?

I am not telling you to not try this. I am just giving you an idea of the size of the job.
If you want to continue to work on this, do up plans, ask what if, and rely on some
of the sharpest reverse engineering people around here at AcidMods.

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 12:57:16 PM »

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 03:16:55 PM »
i found this

>=( I was going to post that, but I was thinking that it could just be a video and a person touching the screen at the same time the image on the screen moves  :dntknw:

Offline Deuce-X

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 04:39:22 PM »
And I am not necessarily calling shenanigans, but that TP might not even be going to the PSP. I can’t quite see if that cable is folded back into the case or if it is going somewhere else.

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 05:59:04 PM »
>=( I was going to post that, but I was thinking that it could just be a video and a person touching the screen at the same time the image on the screen moves  :dntknw:

Nah, it looks real to me, just not calibrated right...if you look close, the cursor is a little down and right to where it is touching. He would have had to code the software himself, obviously. I just dont see the practicality of a touchscreen PSP.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 06:49:08 PM »
It looks real,

Like you said he does not have a calibration routine yet.

And it is all well and good but what is he going to use it for.

One or two special programs ? He would have to get the programmers to support it.

A lot of work for not much gain.

I have seen several demos at this point some true and some fake.

We will watch and see if it goes anywhere.

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2008, 11:53:23 AM »
i found this
eh.. looks fake all the dude did was probably put another screen of some other protable device and put it on top of the psp
u can tell the screen is on top of the psp its not even connected to it

Offline kink192

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2008, 03:41:27 PM »
quotes from mastariot [dude who posted the vid]

Did you notice the yellow square above the PSP?

Imagine a wii sensor and the finger is the wii remote, as to speak. The same style of how a wii works is interfaced in the screen so when it detects the pressure , it scans the range of the screen and locates the pressure point. Its not really much more then just theory and/or mindless random thoughts.

The screen ratio has been put into thought so the range is pretty accurate in determining the range. And because not only is pressure part of this but as long as the screen detects something like how the DS works with the stick ( I don't want to mess up the spelling since I cant spell it )

both taken from comments he left on the video
It's been a long time

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2008, 06:31:33 PM »
there is one really big program that would be able to be used extremely well once they get this working, and that would be a ds emulator that actually works well.... unlike the one thats out right now.... which would be one amazing program.... so im hoping all this project ends well

Offline Bhawan

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2008, 03:38:57 PM »
ok first of all sorry to bump this topic and second that the above psp touch video is 100% real... and the maker of this says that he is developing a plugin (or addon) which will allow it to be used for psp as general. it will be mass produced in about 3 months and will be $50 and its for slim, fat version hasnt been developed yet. and there will be a v2 for it which will be connected to the analog stick....

^^^^this is what the person who made it said...

thanks chase for this sig =)
I miss my dragon lol....

Offline niko86

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2008, 04:00:28 PM »
ok first of all sorry to bump this topic and second that the above psp touch video is 100% real... and the maker of this says that he is developing a plugin (or addon) which will allow it to be used for psp as general. it will be mass produced in about 3 months and will be $50 and its for slim, fat version hasnt been developed yet. and there will be a v2 for it which will be connected to the analog stick....

^^^^this is what the person who made it said...

Difference between saying and doing. I hope its real, and the guy seems genuine on QJ. He claims he is going to send selected hombrew developers dev kits for free. But the only way it will take off is making it into some sort of must have item. The guy behind this even said if he doesn't sell enough v2 and v3 of the addon will not happen. A DS emulator like someone mentioned would probably make it a must have, especially if it has the price tag he claims it will. Although i'm certain this is a replacement screen for the psp's existing one, not an extra screen. So then it wouldn't be useful for DS emulation removing the biggest draw to buying this.

Its abit like the motion detector addon, it sells for $70 i think and only supports phat psp's. Theres maybe a handful of homebrew apps which support it. Its useless, only purchased by people who must have these things.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2008, 04:19:54 PM »

Now if the software were to use something like ramapsp and allow you to remap the touchscreen to any other
button or button combinations then maybe it would be worthwhile.

If you could have different config files for different games then that would be kewl.

Or if it could be remapped like the one fake video that was out there so the control buttons could be
remapped and then use the touch screen for navigation that might work pretty good.

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2008, 04:35:59 PM »
This is the thread link:

Data and power come through the psp remote serial port, he says its a slim only mod right now. But will make a phat version. v2 will be able to map movement from the screen and turn it into analog movement so i guess some sort of remapsp use. v1 then sounds abit useless, he is getting devs to produce drivers once the dev kits are produced.

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2008, 04:52:18 PM »
the touch screen woudd be learning c++ but there is no way i could do it but by some miracle i get gudd ill give it a shot but it cudd take months or even years lol

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2008, 12:12:41 AM »
 socomhacker239 ur gonna need a lot of help u should like round up ppl that kno there stuff and start this project...
maybe even talking to the admins maybe they can do something...

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2008, 01:10:58 AM »
having this fully running with no probs on a psp would be a software nightmare to program, It may even take a team of experenced coders like a year lol. Good luck and i wish well to anyone who attempts this, anyone who successfully makes it will be a legand :tup:
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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2008, 09:15:53 PM »
thanks Blazinkaos for the support but still its pretty hard when i get better i will get a team an possibly get the admins involved
so far gr8npwrfl knows more info on the touch screen i will try even harder to learn C++ but its so hard with school freinds and all

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2008, 09:44:56 PM »
gr8npwrfl knows more info on the touch screen
yea he can help and the of course admins...welll just want to say good luck on this and if u get this done in hopefully next couple seems it would take that long....

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2008, 11:25:48 AM »
Search on the internet, Read every scrap of every bit of information you can find.
Ask questions like you are. Study every other mod that has been done before.

Do not limit yourself to the PSP. Look at mods that have been done on other
portable devices.

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Re: Explanation of touch screens and the PSP
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2008, 10:08:02 PM »
Do not limit yourself to the PSP. Look at mods that have been done on other
portable devices.

Yea that should help cuz if u figure the way then you can compare and understand the way it works and pull this together...

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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