Author Topic: Strange power issues - Power LED turns on, nothing happens  (Read 2444 times)

Offline The Compiler

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Strange power issues - Power LED turns on, nothing happens
« on: July 31, 2008, 08:25:12 PM »
Hi there,

now I've got another big problem: I wanted to install a PVU into my DS. Now, after BT+ and a ground is connected, there's a really strange issue: If I boot the DS, the Green power LED lights up and stays. The DS doesn't turn off. But the only thing I get is this freaky LED, nothing else. My R6 access led does light up for a part of a second, so it gets power. But no screen is responsing, and even if I disconnect the upper screen, the LED lights up but nothing else happens. It doesn't turn off as it should when the screen is disconnected.
Before we connected + and - of the PVU to BT+ and a ground on the board, everything worked.

If I should measure any points, no problem, there's a Oscilloscope and two multimeters here.

Anyone an idea what could be the issue?
Thanks for any help!

Florian  :beg:

EDIT: I forgot to put the Wifi-module back to its place, now it works. Was that really an issue with that?  :tup:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 08:39:18 PM by The Compiler »

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Re: Strange power issues - Power LED turns on, nothing happens
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 10:33:05 PM »
EDIT: I forgot to put the Wifi-module back to its place, now it works. Was that really an issue with that?  :tup:

Yes the reason you need that chip is because it also stores the bios firmware information.  Without the chip it will not boot.


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