wow..another psp......The slim is not out for a year yet and they are gunna make another psp...O>O WHY? (the slim was released on sept5/07) ok, maybe bluetooth would be nice, a phone woudl be cool but seriously does sony expect anyone to actually hold the psp up to talk? it would beee so tiring! well i guess it would work if we use a external mike like one of those bluetooth ones....
seriously sony...i dont see the point...
um suggestion? instead of creating a whole new psp? why not update the firmwares of the old and make them maybe an official youtube thing on psp...(ino there is a homebrew one but an official would be cool...) also I dont see the point of the google searcher...i like NEVER use the psp browser cuz..i have a pc? and the psp browzer is slow?