Author Topic: I have a big favour to ask...[Read First Part]  (Read 816 times)

Offline Chase

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I have a big favour to ask...[Read First Part]
« on: August 15, 2008, 04:01:30 PM »
Ohrite as some of you may know I have a noisy phail machine and im in desperate need of a bigger bike but tbh it's become more hassle than it's worse trying to find one especially with winter around the corner in which i will be unable to ride a bike without killing myself -_-*

Along with me starting to legally drive on sept 2nd, so money can be spent on the car then when spring comes around next year I'll get the bigger bike.

So basically i've decided to opt for the funner option of pimpin my phail machine :3

it was actually quite a touching moment In the dark I filled my scooter up with petrol and oil then put the silencer back on and started it up. Not to be freaky but it was an intimate moment. My little Sym Jet Euro X 50 purring to me :cry2:

I couldnt let her go Plus she's always wild in the snow :D

So over the course of the next week or so I will be buying and fitting modifications starting with a performance air filter which should actually solve my power lsos problem as I feel their is a higher fuel level in the air/fuel mixture and by incrteasing the air intake it should give it a propa nice sound and increase my performance.

However I dont know what the diameter is for my air filter so i can't buy a performance one =[ and I won't be back till tomorrow night which is when i need to buy it at the latest.

So if anyone could find out what the air filter diameter is for a 2006 Sym Jet Euro X 50 and post it here I will be more than eternally grateful.

I will also post my project updates here from now on :)

- Chase

Modification List

    • Racing Exhaust
    • Performance Air Filter
    • Under Scooter Lighting
    • Body Panel replacements / "TouchUps"
    • Zenon Headlights
    • Digital Dial Upgrade
    • Lowered Sport Suspension
    • Front and Rear Brake Discs
    • Wheel / Tyre Upgrade
    • New Repeaters
    • New Front Forks

    For now those are my plans, More may be added to the list if I think of any.


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