true but experienced hackers can
naww i dont think so
even hackers cant do anything because they dont know where the psp is suppose a psp is in like africa or something what can a hacker do to it while sitting in Canada???
all he can is just trace the psp by its mack address which would take ages because internet is so huge... imagine looking for a mac address in billions all over the world
???? but even if the hacker is in the same house as the psp he cant do anything with the mac address maybe he can like block the psp from connecting to a wifi by adding its mac add to block list and anyways psp doesnt allow incoming wifi protocols and does not support anything like transferring data from the psp to another computer..or browsing the content on your psp through wifi (but you can do that if you use irshell to ad hoc transfer but still you are the one who selects file which is to be sent)