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Hey guys i just ordered my razor X board and when i get i was going to take pics while installing it and make a long needed tut.I was just wondering if anyone else had a tut in the making so i didn't waste my time making mine.
I don't think anyone really bothered considering that its pretty much common sense. You just needa know the points to solder too. But yes a tut would be great Good luck.PS: What will the tut be for? PSP slim? PSP phat? DS lite? W/e one its for, Shouldn't it be in that section?
It will be for the Fat and I put it in this section because everyone goes here most of the time, and when the hell does the DS lite have a duel nub.
teh only tut i could ever find was nicos slimif ur doing the phat psp razorx nub then im looking forward to it
There was never a tut for the slim...
Oh and, like, is it really necessary for a tut? It really is common sense really, and there's a BUNCH of pictures floating around the forum of the abxy pinout.
dammit noahnicos was for a slimand will varry from a phat
no psp i donti dont liek it when ppl assume its uber easyand just because ive done some modding i know how to do a mod from one picpsp u have been kinda a ass to ppl around here(and so have i at a few posts)i dont hate u i think ur cool but its annoying manand sanctusur right its not tehre anymoreit WAS but i think it migjht have gotten removedi remmember telling nico i cant find teh phats dual nub only his slim
what about edhel
you know who i would bone? daffy duck