is my conversation.....
(2:21:14 PM) RoBot1ks: i heard you sell cheap chinese products?
(2:21:27 PM) (L)Flora: hi,yes
(2:21:31 PM) (L)Flora: what can i do for you
(2:21:43 PM) RoBot1ks: cheap chinese products
(2:21:46 PM) RoBot1ks: ?
(2:21:50 PM) RoBot1ks: u got some
(2:22:06 PM) (L)Flora: we are selling game parts,do you need somethings
(2:22:35 PM) RoBot1ks: hmm
(2:22:47 PM) RoBot1ks: are they cheap chinese game parts?
(2:23:02 PM) (L)Flora: yes,of course,we will give the best price for you
(2:23:07 PM) (L)Flora: can you tell me what do you want?
(2:23:15 PM) RoBot1ks: psp parts
(2:23:24 PM) RoBot1ks: cheap chinese psp parts
(2:23:34 PM) RoBot1ks: that will break when i get it
(2:23:38 PM) RoBot1ks: i can resell it
(2:23:39 PM) (L)Flora: yes,i will send the pricelist to you
(2:23:44 PM) RoBot1ks: thanks
(2:24:00 PM) (L)Flora is offering to send file yuexiang pricelist 1.xls
(2:24:06 PM) Starting transfer of yuexiang pricelist 1.xls from (L)Flora
(2:24:19 PM) (L)Flora is offering to send file yuexiang pricelist 3.xls
(2:24:28 PM) Starting transfer of yuexiang pricelist 3.xls from (L)Flora
(2:24:50 PM) RoBot1ks: are you in china?
(2:25:05 PM) (L)Flora: yes,i am in guangzhou,china
(2:25:24 PM) (L)Flora: can you tell me who told you about us?
(2:25:26 PM) RoBot1ks: sweet
(2:25:34 PM) RoBot1ks: do you know lee? from rush hour
(2:25:43 PM) RoBot1ks: the movie(s)
(2:25:52 PM) RoBot1ks: ever seen it
(2:25:57 PM) (L)Flora: i dont know
(2:26:01 PM) RoBot1ks: i found you, on google
(2:26:10 PM) (L)Flora: i see
(2:26:27 PM) RoBot1ks: i typed in cheap chinese game parts
(2:26:34 PM) RoBot1ks: hey i gotta go
(2:26:42 PM) RoBot1ks: i will get back with you
(2:26:46 PM) RoBot1ks: bye bye
(2:26:55 PM) (L)Flora: can to give your eamil address to me
(2:27:02 PM) (L)Flora: i will send the pricelist to your eamil
(2:27:13 PM) RoBot1ks:
(2:27:15 PM) RoBot1ks:
(2:27:17 PM) RoBot1ks: bye bye
(2:27:21 PM) (L)Flora: ok,thank you
(2:27:28 PM) (L)Flora: byebye
i gave her my alternate email