Author Topic: Another analog stick problem  (Read 1742 times)

Offline Rammu

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Another analog stick problem
« on: August 25, 2008, 12:07:47 PM »
Hiya all,

I have been trying to fix my analog stick problem. I have cleaned all the connections to analog stick and even without any analog stick attached to the PSP the cursor moves down without me doing anything. In the XMB there is no problem. But when I go to games and web browser there is. So my question is. Does the "wiring" of the connections between the motherboard and the analog stick fix this? (as mentioned in some topics)

Thanks in advance :)

Offline Jumbo

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Re: Another analog stick problem
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 12:26:30 PM »
Make sure your analog rubber is in place and if it is make sure its not chipped and its pushing all the way onto the mobo.

Also make sure its not the analog stick itself.

I would only hard-wire it as a last resort.

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Re: Another analog stick problem
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 12:40:18 PM »
Try just tightening your case screws. If you do not tighten them properly you will see the
problem you are having.

Use this program to test your joystick.

If your joystick stays somewhat centered in the screen then it is working correctly.

I had one joystick go bad and had to replace it because I could not go up so
it looked like it was always going down.

Offline rysher

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Re: Another analog stick problem
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 06:18:45 PM »
im having the same problem on my 2 psp's...i took out the lcd cage and the anologe stick and mine goes down and right when theres nothing touching the motherboard

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Re: Another analog stick problem
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 09:37:09 PM »
The psp going down and to the right is doing exactly what it should with no joystick connected

Lets look at the following diagram

When your joystick is in the center and not being pushed, the resistance is balanced to both directions.

If you push the button up, the resistance goes down in the up input, but goes up on the down input.
It is a balancing act, the same goes for the right and left, as you push left the resistance goes down on the
left input but goes up on the right input.

The further you push the button the greater the difference, the faster the cursor moves or the tighter the
turn you make in your game. It is proportional feedback loop.

Now if you remove the joystick things go out of balance and there is maximum resistance on all inputs. Because
of the balance, without a joystick it will always go down to the right.

If you have a loose connection the resistance jumps all over the place and you can not get things balanced

So contact pressure to make very good contact is most often the reason a joystick gives people a problem.

If you download the joystick tester on your psp, you can confirm this by leaving the screws on the left side of
your case a little loose and run the program. Take two of your left hand fingers and squeeze the case together
to make better contact and you will see the cursor jump to the middle of the screen.

That little washer is there to make the correct amount of pressure when your case is put together
correctly. If you lose it you will have problems. But I have seen cases that were a problem and all I had to
do was make another circle out of clear report binder folder and use it as an additional shim to make things
tight when the case was closed.

This is a greatly oversimplified version of what is going on, but it gives you the concept of what is happening
and why your games run away when there is not a good connection.

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Re: Another analog stick problem
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 12:15:22 AM »
ya if u can't get it to work, common problem hardwire it from the pads on the analog to the corosponding ones on the mobo
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Re: Another analog stick problem
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 04:20:45 AM »
There is plugin called joysense that lets you set the offset position of the stick to (0,0). I was testin it yesterday and works really good. I recommend to everyone with offset problems to install it. :yess:
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