Neogeo, Personally One of my favorite systems
It had great games Like King of fighters, Metal slug, Blues journey Etc
It also lasted a long time, It was from 1991 to 2003 DANG!
It was a arcade first, then conveted to a system at home
To bad it came out for 700$ And each game was 200$ Freaking dollars!!!
16 bit action 32 bit background And Advanced Sound (It Kicks N64 Sounds!)
but, It never did that great as sales and its to bad,
Then neogeo Cd came, It was Cheaper and games where cheaper aswell, its had all the same games as the first, and if this came first Neogeo would be better, but it was already to late
And thats the Neogeo
Any other Neogeo Fans? Im a huge fan of it!