Hi there,
Just a small humble psp modder in singapore ^^/
Well, im here to show you guys about the psp slim metallic blue housing that i've ordered from DX.
List Of Mods1) Trigger Sound Reactive (Blue)
2) Speaker Sound Reactive (White)
3) Hold Sound Reactive (White)
4) Metallic Blue OEM Housing from DX
SummaryFitting = 8/10 ( -1 being the problem with the battery cover, need to sand a bit though., -1 for the metal ring, its thicker than normal ones. )
Buttons = 7/10 ( -3 for the square button being thicker than normal buttons. )
Finishing = 10/10 ( Very nice and smooth )
Delivery Time = 5/10 ( Took them 5 weeks to deliver to my house


Video In Actionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDueti0Szqo&eurl=http://www.zhengmypsp.blogspot.com/