Author Topic: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped  (Read 2757 times)

Offline MordeKyle

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PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« on: September 13, 2008, 11:12:30 PM »
My psp won't start period. No leds light up or flash or anything, I just plain won't start. I've tried w it pluged as well. If I put my pandora battery in, it starts just fine.

Here is the rundown of it's past:
-I did the trigger mod and it worked good for a couple of minutes, then the trigger leds and the powerboard leds started to dim until they didn't light up at all.
-my psp still worked great after this and did so for several months.
-i did the pandora and it worked great and psp worked for several more months.
-i didn't play my psp for about a month and finally got time to so I pluged it in, it started up and worked for 30seconds and shut itself off, restarted it and it worked for 15seconds and shut off, on and on until it won't come on at all now.
-ive replaced the powerboard, powerboard ribbon and the power fuse on the mobo has perfect voltage when plugged in.
-psp will start w the pandora battery, but I thas the only way. I don't think my battery is the problem bc it should work w/o the battery, just the psp plugged into the wall.

please help. I'm at a complete loss here!

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 11:52:20 PM »
1. When you say it runs with your pandora battery, do you mean it runs normally or
    are you putting in your memory stick ?
2. If you start it with your pandora battery with it plugged into the wall, what happens
    if you take the battery out after it is started ?
3. If it continues to run with your pandora battery pulled out after it is started what
    happens when you put the other battery in ?

Offline MordeKyle

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2008, 12:59:57 AM »
1. When you say it runs with your pandora battery, do you mean it runs normally or
    are you putting in your memory stick ?
2. If you start it with your pandora battery with it plugged into the wall, what happens
    if you take the battery out after it is started ?
3. If it continues to run with your pandora battery pulled out after it is started what
    happens when you put the other battery in ?

1. It runs with the pandora battery in with the pandora memory stick, thats it
2. it dies when i take pandora battery out

Offline MordeKyle

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2008, 01:06:23 AM »
also, since replacing the ribbon, the led's work again, just not the psp :-o

Offline Jumbo

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 07:24:43 AM »
Dead power fuse? But i don't think it would start with a pandora then.

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2008, 11:43:07 AM »
That sounds to me like bad flash memory on the motherboard.

When you are using the pandora battery and memory stick you are not
using the internal flash memory except to start the original boot.

You have reflashed the system from a complete start haven't you ?

The problems that you describe with the timing you describe sound
like a part that has gone bad with a temperature problem. It keeps
running less and less time until it will no longer run at all.

What I can suggest you try is to flash back to stock 1.5 firmware and
see if the system runs. That uses the least amount of internal memory
and will tell you if the internal memory is completely trashed.

Offline MordeKyle

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2008, 04:44:38 PM »
how do I go about getting 1.5 to install from pandora?

Offline MordeKyle

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2008, 02:35:31 PM »
how do I go about getting 1.5 to install from pandora?

Offline Jumbo

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Re: PSP 1000 still won't work. I'm Stumped
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2008, 02:54:16 PM »
Dont double post.

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