Author Topic: My quest to sell my PSP Phat stuff..  (Read 995 times)

Offline Sil3ntP3nguin

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My quest to sell my PSP Phat stuff..
« on: September 25, 2008, 07:32:26 AM »
Many many months ago, a project was going to start. Well after, much time and money was spent. So far everything was going according to plan. Then the guy at my work quite. He was supposed to do a little part of the project for me. Over 10 psp's and TONS of misc leftover parts are now in my possession. Neatly stored in cabinets. I have been trying to sell ALL of the psp stuff in one shot. So that is why I haven't been replying to your messages..


If I were to part it out, a little bit here, and a little bit there. I would have left overs that no one would want. I posed craigslist ads all over my home state in america. I specifically mentioned in the ad that I want all of it sold or in large quantities. Instead of getting emails of interested buyers. I am getting more emails to fix their psp instead. What kind of doodoo is that? I mean I don't mind it, but i never posted a service ad, it was a for sale ad...


At least im making a little bit of money, giving away good parts in return for some cash and broken parts...

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Re: My quest to sell my PSP Phat stuff..
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2008, 01:14:33 PM »
Why dont you do the work yourself instead of whining about your buddy?

Also, It is quite hard to find someone who wants $20 000 of psp parts.


It was 2000$ not 20000$  :winker:

That's why you didn't respond lolz.


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