Author Topic: Why apple Why  (Read 6987 times)

Offline TaSlAyEr

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Why apple Why
« on: September 29, 2008, 11:21:43 PM »
 i was having a talk with my uncle about the iphone 3g, he said that it was wast of money cause of how apple does not give you every thing at the start.  He go if you got the first one and then the next one comes out with a little more speed would you ask your self "Well why didn't they give us tat in the first place then making buy a new one" . i agree with him not that i hate apple to death, but because that if you got the first one then there's no need to get the the next and that they should give you all the good stuff or at least 75% of that and have a free update via your iphone interTUBS like sony does with the psp instead of making a rehash every 2-3 mouth and making you guys pay a but load cash. Now if they did do that mabye i would go and buy an Iphone or a Ipod or a Ihouse located in Iowa  or maybe Steve Jobs can fetch me a deal an a Icbm lol

p.s im not trying to flame. I'm just board
also why does apple keep rejecting third party support would it not help apples products?

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2008, 11:28:38 PM »
To answer the last question, 3rd party support doesn't = 100 profits

Apple is all about the money, why do you think they rip off their customers with every single product they put out?

Offline TaSlAyEr

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2008, 11:50:48 PM »
To answer the last question, 3rd party support doesn't = 100 profits

Apple is all about the money, why do you think they rip off their customers with every single product they put out?
it may be 100 profit but would it not a least try to fix some problems, 3rd party may have helped with some of the products like the the iphone and when they tried to put games on it like super money ball i beleave when they put it on the phone 3rd party people were trying to fix the sensitivity problem with the tilt controls before they could even finished apple booted um (i maybe wrong about this tho). if apple was more open maybe they would not have to rehash just jack up the price like they always do.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2008, 10:10:28 AM »
To answer the last question, 3rd party support doesn't = 100 profits

Apple is all about the money, why do you think they rip off their customers with every single product they put out?
(semi true, their warratnies are a RIIIiIPPPP) wrong
they don't rip you off on every single product: they rip you off on half assed warranties, service, and incredably overpriced acessories,
the products themselves are actually very good; i also agree that these every-september-every-february-and-sometimes-in-between realases are annoying as :censored:

i really, really dont like how often they do it...they should go psp, release a new model after roughly 3 years (psp1000: 2004-2007; psp2000:2008-whenever3000is)

so i agree that their constant refreshes of products is annoying, and they get ya by making you feel too slow and out of date, so you just GOTTA buy the new one after overpricing your old one on ebay...
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 10:13:19 AM by noah03ark »

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2008, 10:12:48 AM »
Name a single product they make that they don't double their costs on, I mean the 2g nano were 250% profit, I wonder what they're making on the newest generation...

Offline noah03ark

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2008, 10:24:27 AM »
first let me make this clear: i like my computer and ipod (those are two products), so i like apples products; but literally everything else about apple i despise

they're actually pricing stuff somewhat lower than 2g nano prices, i know a new touch is much cheaper than what i bought mine for

their products are just generally really really good, though expensive as hell, but people pay the extra price for a few perks that simplify their life (supposedly, i mean, i love OSX, and its really just been a breeze, no true worries)
as for ipods, its just a meme of the times, we're the ipod generation, its a product that has defined us (which is either sad or depressing, dunno) but its generally good tech that they're putting out their

slim sleek designs, integration with software, etc. etc. all that crap to make it easier; i know my next computer will still be an apple

as for their warranties, well, you know.. :censored: them
they cover basically no 'user damage' which in their minds is everything; say a lightning storm fries my logic board, it was user damage because i had it out, or some :censored:,

they basically find every little loophole to screw you over and make you shell out a :censored:load for fixing it (THAT is where they get most their profit)

and the stuff they sell with it? if you go into an apple store you will find NOTHING under 25$, its all overpriced 'brand name' crap!
'hey man, its chill here in this apple store, why not try these sweet Bose'
'why sure, you appeal to me becase you're young and hip, and seem to know everything

wow these sound great, i think i'll get them'
'sweet dude, lemme check you out with our hip portable card thingies; that'll be 345$'
'345$!?!?! i cant afford those, i have minimum wage, why are you charging so much?!'
'chill man, here, just get these'
'thats 178.95$'
':censored: this *walks out*

i hate all the overpriced crap,
so those pricey acessories, and :censored: warratneis that leave you still paying for repairs, and the reparis themselves, are how they make a LOOOOOT of profit that you seem to so despise

the computers, ipods, routers, phones, fine...everything else... :censored: them

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2008, 10:27:44 AM »
forgive me for my inferior intellect as I am a mere artist....

IT is exactly like the fashion industry, Youre really paying for the brand and/or design
The advances in technology from the orignal iPod has profitised to the extent that it paid for the additional "updates" so every new generation of iPod is essentially straight profit.

As an aesthetically minded society we have only ourselves to blame.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2008, 10:30:02 AM »
forgive me for my inferior intellect as I am a mere artist....

IT is exactly like the fashion industry, Youre really paying for the brand and/or design
The advances in technology from the orignal iPod has profitised to the extent that it paid for the additional "updates" so every new generation of iPod is essentially straight profit.

As an aesthetically minded society we have only ourselves to blame.
thats a really :censored:ing good point as well

they try to be so hip and young and then tell you to pay 400 for headphones..
like justin long, in those damn commercials...

(though i still like their ipods, laptops...)

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2008, 10:47:43 AM »
i was looking through their headphone selection.

O LAWD expensive. the brand name stuff they sell, look it up somewhere else, as you'll get about $30 off lol

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2008, 06:48:25 PM »
Bumped thread? Grr.
Keep the censorship bypassing to a minimum kthx

Offline MattZani

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2008, 08:39:51 AM »
Apple Refresh The iPod Line once a year, like most companies, and the computer line usually twice a year. iPhone has so far been updated every July.

iPods - Updated September
iPhone - Updated July
Mac - Updated January/February + September/October
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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2008, 09:10:19 AM »
the new macbooks are hella overpriced, and make you wonder why the pro even exists anymore. the iPhone 3G, well I'm going to get one. only good division of apple is phone/pod. everything else, the computers, the acessories, the warranties, routers, everything else is an epic rip. The constant refreshing of products is rather irritating, i mean my iPod Video looks almost identical to the Classic, and uses an even simpler interface.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2008, 01:09:54 PM »
computers/ ipods fine

but literally everything else is a big hit to the consumer, both in monetary terms, and the fact their policies suck more than an eight year old going to town on their favorite lollipop: yes, apple flavoured

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2008, 01:36:08 PM »
computers/ ipods fine

but literally everything else is a big hit to the consumer, both in monetary terms, and the fact their policies suck more than an eight year old going to town on their favorite lollipop: yes, apple flavoured
Again, that's all opinionated.  I found that I like the iPhone quite a bit, only thing holding me back from getting one is the fact that I can't get verizon on it and possible cheaper alternatives, whereas I still can't justify spending the amount of money I could buy a decent car with on a computer.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2008, 01:45:39 PM »
Again, that's all opinionated.  I found that I like the iPhone quite a bit, only thing holding me back from getting one is the fact that I can't get verizon on it and possible cheaper alternatives, whereas I still can't justify spending the amount of money I could buy a decent car with on a computer.

well if you actually took the time to even click it you would find out that it's not, its pretty much factual with comparison charts

that hp pavillion dv5t is sounding better, more HD, essentially equal GFX, better screen res, blu ray- beats the pro's out, so its pretty factual when it questions that 'apple tax'

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2008, 01:54:37 PM »
I did read the link, 4 days ago to be exact... I wasn't talking about the article.  I was saying that all people's judgment of hardware is opinionated.  I know people who can justify 3000 dollar gaming rigs and I know people who still run P4 2's on Windows XP because they can build em for 3-400 bucks.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2008, 03:28:40 PM »
Why people allways dissing Apple? If all of you people that dislike apple so much took a second to actuall use one, you would find that you like it. I mean seriously, a little expensive but you pay for what you get, there is no other PC company that makes such stylish and thin laptops and desktops and the internals are great.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2008, 03:39:00 PM »
I agree with Skull, I really don't like macs, but I absolutely love using them. I guess it's the price, but once you use them you'll like them.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2008, 03:44:51 PM »
well, price is a factor but there are some other things too like.... apple ipods dont work very well with windows.... like they get easily corrupted the iTunes is super buggy and crashes sometimes etc.... otherwise apples are great .... i love apple stuff too but its just hard to get it working with windows sometimes....

thanks chase for this sig =)
I miss my dragon lol....

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2008, 03:48:59 PM »
Why people allways dissing Apple? If all of you people that dislike apple so much took a second to actuall use one, you would find that you like it. I mean seriously, a little expensive but you pay for what you get, there is no other PC company that makes such stylish and thin laptops and desktops and the internals are great.
I am forced to use one in my Writing Seminar Class, but I resorted to bringing in my latop (along with 15/17 of the other kids in the class) to do my work. 

What exactly do you get when you pay for it?  Don't say functionality because I function better with my PC.

And Stylish is LOLable.  It's a computer, not a fashion statement.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2008, 03:50:56 PM »
well, price is a factor but there are some other things too like.... apple ipods dont work very well with windows.... like they get easily corrupted the iTunes is super buggy and crashes sometimes etc.... otherwise apples are great .... i love apple stuff too but its just hard to get it working with windows sometimes....
No, that's just you.
My iPod(s) have never corrupt unless I've taken it out whilst syncing, and I've NEVER had iTunes crash, not even once.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2008, 04:04:25 PM »
apple may charge more for there computer but look at what mcsft charge for there os

apple os 5-user  £129
as apposed to vista ultimate (has all the oses features) which is £170 for 1 license so £850 for 5

thats a £721 difference

well, price is a factor but there are some other things too like.... apple ipods dont work very well with windows.... like they get easily corrupted the iTunes is super buggy and crashes sometimes etc.... otherwise apples are great .... i love apple stuff too but its just hard to get it working with windows sometimes....

yeh i never had an ipod problem and ive used them since the 2g days. both on win and mac and tried interchanging it

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2008, 04:24:58 PM »
apple may charge more for there computer but look at what mcsft charge for there os

apple os 5-user  £129
as apposed to vista ultimate (has all the oses features) which is £170 for 1 license so £850 for 5

thats a £721 difference

Difference here is you HAVE to use the Apple OS on the Apple Computer whereas I can install free Linux on any build, and Vista Premium OEM is 99 bucks.  As well as the fact that a majority of the people I know with macs have XP or Vista installed with bootcamp.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2008, 04:48:48 PM »
As well as the fact that a majority of the people I know with macs have XP or Vista installed with bootcamp.

And they are running it on a mac, meaning they paid the $2000 for the MAC for the looks apparently.

What exactly do you get when you pay for it?  Don't say functionality because I function better with my PC.

And Stylish is LOLable.  It's a computer, not a fashion statement.

Its you that says this, personally I would not want to lug around a 2 inch thick laptop, I'd rather have a 1 inch because I like to have the coolest things and 3 inches thick does not say cool. and just because you work better with your pc dosent mean others of us dont work better on a mac then pc

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2008, 09:02:57 PM »
And they are running it on a mac, meaning they paid the $2000 for the MAC for the looks apparently.

Its you that says this, personally I would not want to lug around a 2 inch thick laptop, I'd rather have a 1 inch because I like to have the coolest things and 3 inches thick does not say cool. and just because you work better with your pc dosent mean others of us dont work better on a mac then pc
No, it's just all the good programs for engineering that my school requires us to use are all built for the PC, and a majority of my school equipment is Macs because of all the art students (photography and such)  Whereas a majority of the engineers have PC's and I kid you not, make fun of the kids that use macs.  Mostly because a lot of the art students aren't even as close to as smart as a majority of the engineers.

Thats lolable because my Dell is just as thing as a MBP

And for that last bit, most people don't necessarily work better on either platform, its been proven to be a placebo effect.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2008, 09:46:43 PM »
I agree with Skull, I really don't like macs, but I absolutely love using them. I guess it's the price, but once you use them you'll like them.

I use them in school...absolute :censored:buckets...slow computers, constantly freeze=crap in my view...

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2008, 11:32:35 PM »
i was having a talk with my uncle about the iphone 3g, he said that it was wast of money cause of how apple does not give you every thing at the start.  He go if you got the first one and then the next one comes out with a little more speed would you ask your self "Well why didn't they give us tat in the first place then making buy a new one" . i agree with him not that i hate apple to death, but because that if you got the first one then there's no need to get the the next and that they should give you all the good stuff or at least 75% of that and have a free update via your iphone interTUBS like sony does with the psp instead of making a rehash every 2-3 mouth and making you guys pay a but load cash. Now if they did do that mabye i would go and buy an Iphone or a Ipod or a Ihouse located in Iowa  or maybe Steve Jobs can fetch me a deal an a Icbm lol

p.s im not trying to flame. I'm just board
also why does apple keep rejecting third party support would it not help apples products?

just to answere why dose the first i phone not get the shiny new speed that the second one gets. thats like asking why cant i plug my cable line in to my dial up modem and get the same speed.  theres a different recever to acess the 3G network. simaler to asking why cant i play dvd's in my vcr, its just not the same tech.

but as to everything else welcom to capitolism at its best. they produce a product that the people want. people dont want the imatations they want the apple. letting apple do just about any thing thay want because no mater what there is that folowing that will buy it because its the new product form apple. peopel have made apple what it is. if we would stop feeding in to the hype aroud the company and there products maybe things would change. but you cant argue with there sucess. there on top and because of it they can do whate ever they want.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2008, 12:40:06 AM »
I love my mac it has been the less troublesome computer i have ever owned never had any viruses nothing run 20 programs at once. it is the best no brainer computer on the market. if you want to get on a computer and dont know how to use one or just dont want to hastle with problems then mac is there for that.

but Win is for ppl who love to fidget customize and hack away. I love my pc's too they keep me busy with repairs new hacks themes and so fort. they are bigger on free market 3dr party, cheaper to fix if accidental unlike mac charges half the price of the mac to fix it if accidental.

they both have goods and bads i use my mac and pc's at the same time switching between them.

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Re: Why apple Why
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2008, 04:08:04 AM »
my school has macs too and they are :censored:buckets....but they're CRT g4's and ibooks, so thats why i bring mine (people love smackbook)

i love my mac too, greatest computa' eva' macbook pro 15 inch (and i just got invisibleshield so its glossy :D )

my dad likes his too, his greatest computa' eva'

as for style, yes, some people do buy it for that.. think of macintosh as the hip brand name, but instead of overpriced sunglasses or pre-torn jeans, its computers
avant garde kinda' thing; apple is that company

my next computer definitely will be a mac (w/ snow leopard)

though, i'm not saying pc's are bad, not at all

here's the kicker:

to each his own

so we can stop talking about like, whats better, or why, or dissing the other,
each one is great or crap in our own respects so i'd say leave it at that


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