Author Topic: One stop thread for Programming software (free)  (Read 18362 times)

Offline XsavioR

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One stop thread for Programming software (free)
« on: October 02, 2008, 06:46:21 PM »
To program a PIC you generally use 3 items....
1. An IDE (software like a text editor that highlights syntax and makes code easy to read)
2. A compiler (to compile or translate your code into a .hex file which your programmer will use to program the chip)
3. A programming application (takes the .hex file as input , and "controls" your programmer to program the chip)

You can use notepad to write code, but it won't highlight syntax and will cause you headaches.

You could use something like picbasic to compile a hex file... but for timing specific code , it is not a one to one conversion and inevitably will cause issues.

You could use something like ICPROG to take your .hex file and controll your programmer, but again this is a headache because setting up the programmer is a hassle, and a severe hassle under XP if you have a serial programmer.

Or you could use what the pros do, an all in one program called MPLAB with incredible documentation, FREE c18 compiler for programming in C, a nice IDE,  a great simulator, instant setup of the pickit 2 programmer (34.99$), avoids the winxp i/o issue, and Happens to be free.

Once you download and install this bad boy, the next step is to pick out a chip .... PIC16f84a is what i started out with, but theyre more expensive then newer chips like the pic16f628.  Google one of them and "datasheet"  the document you will come up with is the instruction manual. This manual has all of the info you could possibly need.  READ IT> >

assembly is quite easy , picbasic is also quite easy,  If you dont want to waste your time learning 2 languages then get this book, and learn C.....
C programming Second Edition , for The absolute beginner. By Michael Vine

Read it !!!!  follow the examples.  When you feel confident you understand most of it ... try writing a program....

If you have the .hex file for the program you wish to program ALL you need is MPLAB and a programmer like the PICKIT 2.

My personal advice is , if you read on this far... you want to make your own programs... take the time to learn Assembly, then learn C. Dont waste your time on picbasic as once you get to timing critical programs it wont suffice.
If you want to program Microchips.... goto the source... Its a beast of a site with more info then one could possibly retain.... but you gotta start somewhere. Might as well be where you will land up IF you get serious into this.

Hope this helps.

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Re: One stop thread for Programming software (free)
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 11:19:24 AM »
Why isn't this a sticky?

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Offline 802Chives

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Re: One stop thread for Programming software (free)
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2010, 06:56:37 PM »


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