Author Topic: PSP project.  (Read 1512 times)

Offline Kotonargro

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PSP project.
« on: October 12, 2008, 05:13:07 PM »
Hi, I need some help with my psp, again as I mentioned on my Introduction post, that I am a complete noobcake on modding this is my first time ever, I read up much as I can on the forums and saw much as I can on Utube, but im more of a person that learns from a video rather then pictures goines 1>2>3 steps. How do you exactly solder it can anyone help me with this? And after you do solder the LEDs how do you carry the wire and all the blabber please help.

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: PSP project.
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2008, 02:09:29 PM »
Hi, I need some help with my psp, again as I mentioned on my Introduction post, that I am a complete noobcake on modding this is my first time ever, I read up much as I can on the forums and saw much as I can on Utube, but im more of a person that learns from a video rather then pictures goines 1>2>3 steps. How do you exactly solder it can anyone help me with this? And after you do solder the LEDs how do you carry the wire and all the blabber please help. will teach you basically all you need to know about soldering. And if you mean where do you run the wires after you solder leds, I heard that for the phat u run them behind the wifi board and for the slim you just run them across the top of the psp.

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