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No Freek. I like u.
Ok, the issue with that mod is it will take custom code for rapid on X. This is for gears2? There has been a lot of interest in this rapid on buttons lately, isnt' there a timing thing that needs to happen? Are the rapid fire speeds faster than what you need on X?
um i think that the chainsaw duels are tapping the a button, i heard it in one of the dev documentaries. id check that out or wait until the game comes to be sure
it is the B button. Chainsaw duels require u to press the B button. but that is only for duels. If you wanna actually chainsaw someone then u jsut need to hold down B and hit the right trigger. more important than the chainsaw would be perfect reload for Gears of war. So when u reload it will always hit that little area that lets you reload the fastest. hope that made sense.