Here are the list of TP spots on the PS3 controllers, the most useful ones anyway, for anyone that would want to make up an Arcade Stick, add an extra button or something similar.
Of the 15 versions of these controllers, that I know of, there are (so far anyway) 6 different TP layouts for them. These are a general pic of the different layouts, what controller version they're on and what they do.
NOTE: All of the TP spots are NOT shown in these pics, this is just for reference so you can tell which controller you have at a glance and what TP spots are what on that version of controller.These are for the USB Connector and they are the same on all versions of board.
TP1 - 5v
TP2 - D-
TP3 - D+
TP4 - Ground
This is for the older Six-Axis controllers.
Any of the
MSUPP 4.0 versions that have the 3 legged POTs. The TP spots may or may not be tinned with solder also.
TP10 - V (Common Line for Home button)
TP17 - COM 1 (Common Line for D-pad and L1/2)
TP18 - COM 2 (Common Line for X, /\, [ ], O and R1/2)
TP26 - PS (Home Button)
TP27 - Start
TP28 - R3 (Stick button)
TP29 - L3 (Stick button)
TP30 - Select
TP31 - X
TP32 - R1
TP33 - R2
TP34 - L1
TP35 - DL (D-pad Left)
TP37 - [ ]
TP38 - O
TP39 - /\
TP41 - L2
TP42 - DD (D-pad Down)
TP43 - DR (D-pad Right)
TP44 - DU (D-pad Up)
TP60 - COM 3 (Common Line for Select, Start, L3 and R3)
This is for the newer Six-Axis, with the 4 legged POTs, as well as the older version of DualShock 3.
MSU_V2.5 (Six-Axis)
TP25 - COM 1
TP26 - COM 2
TP32 - PS
TP33 - Start
TP34 - R3
TP35 - L3
TP36 - Select
TP38 - [ ]
TP39 - X
TP40 - O
TP41 - /\
TP42 - R1
TP43 - R2
TP45 - L1
TP46 - L2
TP47 - DL
TP48 - DD
TP49 - DR
TP50 - DU
TP62 - V (Common Line for Home Button)
There is no TP spot for the COM 3 line on this version of board, best place to use is one of the solder joints of the L3/R3 buttons.
This is for the newer version of DS3 controller.
MSU_V3.5XTP17 - COM 1
TP18 - COM 2
TP24 - PS
TP25 - Start
TP26 - R3
TP27 - L3
TP28 - Select
TP30 - [ ]
TP31 - X
TP32 - O
TP33 - /\
TP34 - R1
TP35 - R2
TP37 - L1
TP38 - L2
TP39 - DL
TP40 - DD
TP41 - DR
TP42 - DU
TP51 - V (Common Line for Home Button)
There is no TP spot for the COM 3 line on this version of board, best place to use is one of the solder joints of the L3/R3 buttons.
On the latest version of DS3 controllers there isn't much in the way of useful TP spots, but here they are.
MSU_VX3TP11 - LED + and V (Common Line for Home Button)
TP17 - COM1
TP18 - COM2
MSU_VX4Pretty much the same deal as the MX3 above, just a little different layout is all.
TP11 - LED + and V (Common Line for Home Button)
TP17 - COM1
TP18 - COM2
MSU_VX5Pretty much the same deal as the VX3 and VX4 above, again just a little different layout.
TP10 - LED + and V (Common Line for Home Button)
TP13 - 2.8v (Switched, Power for Sticks)
TP14 - Battery +
There are more info/pics on the PS3 controller versions here also -