Author Topic: [NEWS] Smash Like Wii Game from Team Ninja Devs!  (Read 1583 times)

Offline PSPMAN90

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[NEWS] Smash Like Wii Game from Team Ninja Devs!
« on: December 12, 2008, 01:48:41 PM »
This what They said:  :drunk
Is not really TMNT vs SMBB Characters, is more like Who's game will be victorious in the End, the Best of the Best!  :fear:
"Excellent, excellent team up. Not much is known about the game so far, but there are some details that have been confirmed. The game will have a 2.5D design (a la Smash), and will have a glow effect color system to keep track of their fighters."

Short Summary:is  :whoosh:
Well, Like it's said in the Title! Is from Team Ninja Devs, from Ubisoft, they want to make a Game like SSBM, but this time that Out pass in gaming  the Greatest Wii Fight game of all!

That's crazy, although it could happen. :dribble:

In the "GAME":  :psp:

It's said that "Of course, the game will have four-player fighting. There will be unlockable characters and stages, and various modes. Confirmed modes are Story, Battle Royal, Tournament, Practice, and two Winner/Loser Stays modes. Online gaming is said to have better implementation than SSBB. I'd love to see a third-party game outmatch Nintendo's prized brawler."

Should we believe that? :dntknw:
Yes we should!   :huh:

 :eyebrow: Any game can have better Online Implementation that SMBB in Wi-Fi... (use Lan Adpt)

Source  :confused:

Interpreted and broad to you by:  :clap:
PSPMAN90   :tup:

PS: Keep iT! Till the End!  :taunt:

dslitemodder: You can't put other tags into links, it won't work. I fixed it for you  :winker:
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 02:52:23 PM by dslitemodder »


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