I have a wireless mouse, I like it a lot.
I do not, however, enjoy the receiver sticking out of my laptop. I tend to set my laptop on it's side or back, to prevent it from overheating, and the receiver gets in the way.
Now, here's a pic of the mouse as it is:
Here's some pics of it open (sorry for the poor quality, my camera sucks really bad :/ ):
I don't have any pics of my laptop's mobo as it stands atm.
Basically, i'd like to solder it directly to the mobo, or solder wires from it directly to the mobo.
My questions are;
A) This is my first computer mod, all my previous mods had tutorials w/ PSP & PS2. I honestly don't really even know where to start. I have Flux, solder, a soldering iron, plenty of wires. I was originally thinking, I could desolder the USB connector on my mouse's reciever, and solder it wire-by-wire onto the USB attached to my mobo.. But i'm unsure about if that'll work, and I don't want to completely disable one of my USB's- which brings me to my second question.
B) Can I do it without completely disabling a USB port?
C) Space isn't really an obstacle, but keeping it in place is. I was thinking of wrapping the finished product in electrical tape, and hot glueing it in place. Bad idea? :[
Thanks a ton.