Author Topic: Ps3 Big fat juicy info thread (includes comparison and get a ps3 cheap method)  (Read 10215 times)

Offline Tri-edge

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ok guys I felt that people were getting confused about the different ps3 models so I decided to post a chart that should clear things up about the current and past ps3

and here's a comparison of software emulation of ps2 games compared to hardware emulation


Hope this clears things up with people

EDIT: UNIT-01 has found some more great information on the web that I think should be added to the list.
Take a look there's a bunch of good information there.

Here's how to get a ps3 for cheap and it has been proven by me

If you want to do a cheap way I can tell you how but you will have to wait a month or so.  Here's how

-Buy a broken ps3 on ebay (make sure it's not broken because of water damage and it has the serial sticker still on it).  You can usually get a broken 60gb for about $100-150 maybe cheaper

-Call up sony (800-222-7669)
Say agent; at prompt say agent; at prompt press 1; at prompt press 1.
^ how to bypass the phone system and get a human fast

-Tell them you have a ps3 you need fixed.  They will tell you it's an out of warranty repair (that's what it is)

-They will tell you it will cost $150+tax to fix it


-Wait for the box to arrive at your house

-Pack and ship the box back to sony (it's prepaid)

-Wait 2-3 weeks for sony to fix it and send it back. (actually it's more like 1-2 weeks but in some cases it's 2-3.)

-presto working 60gb ps3 (the best one) with 90 day warranty for under $300

That's how I did it and I got a 60gb ps3 for under $300 for cheap!  Sony's customer service is also very good too and highly recommended.  You can also do this on other models too.  I have seen 40gb ps3's on ebay for about $70ish dollars some even cheaper if you are lucky.  So if you don't care about the lack of ps2 playback you can get a ps3 for about $200ish using this method.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 10:49:47 PM by Tri-edge »

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Re: Ps3 comparison chart *Updated*
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 07:35:24 AM »
Thank you this is helping me decide which one to buy.

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: Ps3 comparison chart *Updated*
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2009, 09:02:29 PM »
Thank you this is helping me decide which one to buy.
No problem that's what it's here for.


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