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If i recall, he was banned for not liking reaper?Thats like when I almost got kicked out of school when I had an argument with a teacher when his electronic diagram was wrong and wouldnt believe me (He put a transistor in series, nothing going to the base...)
Not quite the reason
Im baffled, Kicks was like furniture in this place.
I fail to see the funny side of getting an entire communities hopes up, and then dashing them so.
WOuld of been more dramatic to see what everyone had to say about you behind your back, WOuld really show who the :censored:es of the community were.
Personal feelings? You are a bit of a douche eh?
Hahaha. Indy I know who they are already.
nohe was saying that would be funny if ppl did that then hes like oh yea im not banned it was a
LOL, i nearly shat bricks when i saw banned but online!that has got to be the greatest ever!
that PSPkicks kid is a douche, good thing he's banned and will never evar see this evar
LoL a bit late?
Well I am not sure but I belive that is called sarcasm... Lol.Good to see you back kicks. I really have learned from you...
I herd you like stealing quotes ey?
Then people are like "Damn. I never noticed how nice it really is around here until Kicks left." XD I'm just kidding. You know I love you. In a non-sexual way. Or maybe in a sexual way. It could be a sexual way but that'd mean I'm gay. But I'm not gay. So does this mean it's in a non-sexual way? I'M CONFUSED!