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Personal feelings? You are a bit of a douche eh?
Hahaha. Indy I know who they are already.
nohe was saying that would be funny if ppl did that then hes like oh yea im not banned it was a
LOL, i nearly shat bricks when i saw banned but online!that has got to be the greatest ever!
that PSPkicks kid is a douche, good thing he's banned and will never evar see this evar
LoL a bit late?
Well I am not sure but I belive that is called sarcasm... Lol.Good to see you back kicks. I really have learned from you...
I fail to see the funny side of getting an entire communities hopes up, and then dashing them so.
I herd you like stealing quotes ey?
Then people are like "Damn. I never noticed how nice it really is around here until Kicks left." XD I'm just kidding. You know I love you. In a non-sexual way. Or maybe in a sexual way. It could be a sexual way but that'd mean I'm gay. But I'm not gay. So does this mean it's in a non-sexual way? I'M CONFUSED!