Author Topic: Help with first Mod.  (Read 1290 times)


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Help with first Mod.
« on: January 08, 2009, 05:26:55 PM »
hi everybody at Acidmods. I've been on and off the PSP scene over the last two years. Well i've finally put enough though (and money) into what to do with my PSP. i want to add LEDs to my 3 year old PSP phat. I'm thinking of adding a blue LED to each trigger and two white LEDs under the D-Pad and Action buttons. I have all the equipment to do the mod but my only problem is i don't know anything at the circuitry, voltage, etc. i only know how to wire it up and where.

the idea is i have them all soldered to the points used in this tut (, but the thing i want to do different from this tut is adding the two extra white LEDs PLUS i want to add a switch so i can turn the LEDs on and off. i also want to avoid wiring the LEDs up to the hold switch as much as possible, but if i cant find a switch im gonna do that instead.

If anybody can please help me out, can you please draw and label up a diagram of how i should wire up the LEDs and what i need? I'm only buying the products off of so it would help if you stuck to the products they have there. Also can someone give me a link to where i can buy a switch for the mod?

Thank you for helping me.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 05:31:58 PM by ifrit117 »

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: Help with first Mod.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 11:27:27 PM »
Well if you really want to avoid the hold switch, you can solder the lights to the wifi switch. This seems like the good way to go since you don't really ever need to turn the wifi off anyway. If you wire them to the wifi switch, then when the switch is in the down position, the lights will be on. You'll have to ask someone else for the diagram but here's what I know:

You can get +5 volts from the motherboard. You would want to use this if your using a lot of LEDs.
The wifi switch provides a ground.
You can get +3.6 volts from the powerboard. This is probably more suitable for what your doing.
You can get a ground from the motherboard.
You can get a ground from the powerboard.

To use the wifi switch as the switch, you need to connect the - of the LEDs to the ground of the wifi switch, and the + of the LEDs to one of the + points I mentioned above. I would suggest toe one on the powerboard. That way you won't need a resistor for white or blue LEDs.

Of course if you want the LEDs to be sound-reactive, none of the above applies unless you use an amp.

To make them sound reactive, solder the - of the LEDs to the - of one of the speakers. Solder the + of the LEDs to the + of the speakers. This way is easiest but requires you to add your own switch. I have no idea where to get one small enough.

The method for sound reactive LEDs using an amp is much more complicated so I won't get into it now. If your interested I'd be glad to help. Otl have to sati till tomorrow. It's like 11:30 now and I'm hecka tired. I hole the above info helped.
Any Questions? Please Contact Me:


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Re: Help with first Mod.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 07:54:14 AM »
so would it look something like this if i soldered it to the wifi board to the 3.6v on the power board? (i want to avoid soldering to the mother board)

if i did this do i have to add any resistors to the circuit? or would it just be the wires and the LEDs? also can you take a picture of where i should solder for the wifi ground? it would be really helpful. i know that the 3.6v power board point is right next to the charge/power LEDs. Thanks for your helps. i really appreciate it.

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Re: Help with first Mod.
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2009, 08:22:56 AM »
that would be a series circuit. the main problem with tat is the white led would be bright then the blue led in the middle would be dimmer then the last led would be even dimmer. google parallel circuits it should help

thanks toad and indy for the sigglys


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Re: Help with first Mod.
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2009, 10:37:07 AM »
oh, alright. thanks for that. so if i did it in a parallel series would i still need to use any resisitors? or no?

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Re: Help with first Mod.
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2009, 01:17:45 PM »
Assuming all leds run on 3v voltage, you'd need atleast a 33ohm 8 watt resistor.

Oh and if you wire in series, you'd be dividing 3.6v over 4 leds meaning less than a volt goes to each led, and none of your leds will even light up.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!


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