Author Topic: A new develpment...  (Read 911 times)

Offline alentris

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A new develpment...
« on: January 13, 2009, 01:50:15 PM »
Okay, so a while back I posted about 2 black lines running horizontally across my screen. It was ruled to be a dead LCD Screen. Well, now It's progressed to 3 lines. But that's not my issue. I was playing GPSP Kai, and I noticed that the black lines turned white on the un-used sections of the screen. So, I tried one of those Dead Pixel Fixers (they're a load of  :censored:) but when I did that, I noticed that the black lines turned white like before. So here's my question: Is there still hope for this screen? Or am I just chasing the wind.

Thanks to HiddenVenom for the sig!

Offline FaT3oYCG

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Re: A new develpment...
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2009, 02:22:44 PM »
either the connector on your mobo is broke so they dont touch properly for those two rows, or your screen is fecked, no a pixel fixer wont do anything, they turn white because they are having power sent to them but they dont seem to be showing the colours so its most probably your screen.
----- F@T3oYCG -----

Offline alentris

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Re: A new develpment...
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2009, 03:31:44 PM »
either the connector on your mobo is broke so they dont touch properly for those two rows, or your screen is fecked, no a pixel fixer wont do anything, they turn white because they are having power sent to them but they dont seem to be showing the colours so its most probably your screen.

Yeah, Dead pixel fixers suck, but there's no hope for it? and just another question, does anyone have any insight on what causes this?

Thanks to HiddenVenom for the sig!


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