Author Topic: Exclusive Interview of L0rdNic0  (Read 959 times)

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Exclusive Interview of L0rdNic0
« on: January 14, 2009, 01:39:16 PM »
I was poking around the AcidMags forum (even though I'm probably not supposed to) and I found this interesting article that appears to have never been released. I got permission from Robin to post it. Interview was done by Kenshinffx, around February 2008. Here:


Written by Kenshinffx


Most of you on Acidmods have heard of, or spoken to L0rdnic0 on AM or even had the pleasure of speaking to him on MSN.  He's the originator of some of the best mods on Acidmods such as the PSP Security Mod for the Phat and the Slim and the LED and Sound Reactive LED mod for the PSP Slim.   I recently Caught up to Nic0 and he agreed to do an interview with me for the new issue of Acidmag!

This is what he had to say.

:  You've come up with some great Mods for the Slim and pioneered a new group of people on AM to try modding and find a love for it.  Tell me,  what was your inspiration for those mods and how did it all start?

Nic0:  Well, I bought a phat in Aug 2007, so I could play games with my oldest son. My buddy at work knew alot about CFW so I figured that I could learn a little from him. While trying to find my way I saw lots of videos on youtube with PSPs that had lit triggers. I thought to myself thats cool I bet I could do that.

So I fired up google and found links to AM. I would read the tuts front to back and did that for about a week. and I mean I read them all...  that was about Sept, just before the release of the slim.  Around the tenth of the month, Team M33 ( at the time we didn't know DAX was M33) released the pandora 3.60 hack for the slim. I said to myself, " crap I better get a slim now before sony patches and I can't get CFW on the slim" (not knowing anything about the pandora).  So I got the Slim and signed up for AM.

Funny thing though, no one was modding the slim. I was waiting and waiting for a tut to be released and when none came, I said, "I guess I'm gonna do this on my own."

Acidmag:  And that's what you did.  What made you choose to mod the Slim?

Nic0:  Well, I figured I would buy another slim incase I busted this one.  So I would say that due to the fact that no one had started,  means I was out to light the triggers first.

I think my first attempt was to power the triggers off the wifi led. which didn't work out to well, but I wanted blinking triggers. so I stripped the PSP to the frame and found all that nice space inside. I thought to myself, "Wow I could fit a bus in there..."   

Acidmag:  Yeah it is really big,  So as you know, there are alot of great Modders on AM,  Do you
have anyone on AM that has been a personal inspiration for you or just a great friend?

:  I have lots of great friends that stand out but I would have to say that Ken and Robin are my fav friends. This my sound a bit like brown nosing but Cyber is my closest friend on AM and also my inspiration. He likes to challenge me with new ideas.

:  Aw...  Me?  You shouldn't have..  But in all honesty that's not really a brown nosing thing..  We all really respect Cyberpyrot..  Where do you think you would be right now if you hadn't met Cyber and joined AM?

Nic0:  heheh, no where,

Acidmag:  LOL!  I think we all feel like that sometimes..  So what kinds of Mods do you have planned for the future?  Or is that all top secret?

Nic0:  Well, I have kinda been on a slow down lately.  But I  am still trying to perfect the Razor install in the slim for the everyday modder. I have a sure fire method right now but I'm waiting on parts. This is the type of install that would be like plug and play.  Other then that I have two other mods that have not been done on a slim or phat but I'm still working out the bugs...

Modding for me has been hard too because of time. However I have been making detailed how to videos, and I hope they have been of use.

Acidmag:  Yeah, the community has really been thankful for your contributions and now you are an Admin of the site!  That's gotta be exciting for you..  Are you a bit excited and nervous about being in this first issue of the New Acidmag?

Nic0:    Well I'm especially thankful to the community. If it weren't for AM or its members, I would have probably never started modding. As for being an admin I'm excited and at the same time I'm level headed and nervous. I guess I like to measure twice and cut once. Being new, I always go the extra mile to make sure I'm doing my job. I'm not nervous about the first issue, I'm actually honered that the editors of Acidmag would pick me. See. I dont feel all that special I guess, and that has me nervous.

Acidmag:  No there's no need to be nervous.  You are a respected member and that's why you got the position..   So is there anything you'd like to see brought out or featured on AM or in Acidmag in the future?

Nic0:  I'm all for trying to get members on mebeam even if they dont have a cam. It's a great place to say hi to people and put a face to the name. I'm always on there whether it be from work or home or umm the car...  What I would love to see, is if someone could make a mebeam type page for AM only. Maybe Acidmag could do an article on the Acidmods Mebeam page and discuss the manycam application for those that dont have a web cam. Won't help out the mac ppl though...  Also a section in the next issue of Acidmag for questions and answers from the previous issue. And maybe a puzzle game too...  XD   Also with the mebeam thing, I rarely see new people.

Acidmag:  LOL!  Puzzle game huh?  Well, we'll see what can be done about that..  I have one more question.

Nic0:  Okay, then I gotta get to bed,  I need sleep.

:  Is there anything you would like to say to the Members of AM, or the possible members and modders yet to come?

Nic0:  Don't be afraid of the search button but when in doubt ask a question.  Also, alot of people I talk to are so afraid of modding because they think that they will break their (insert console here). You always take a risk of breaking yes but look past that and think about how you will feel when you accomplish what it is you set out to do. Even experienced modders break stuff but the rewards are always worth the risk.

Great words spoken by L0rdnic0!!  We look forward to see what he's got planned!  And just like he said,  Hopefully his rewards will be worth the wait!   

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!


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