Author Topic: Need some help guys...  (Read 1573 times)

Offline H-Sauce

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Need some help guys...
« on: January 24, 2009, 12:33:46 AM »
Ok I have 2 problems. Problem No. 1 is to do with Linux (Ubuntu) and problem No. 2 has to do with a partition.

Problem No. 1: Ok, the other night I done the stupidist thing and just deleted the Linux partition on my hard drive. So I fixed it by re-installing Ubuntu and just left it like. And then after messing with some partitions (Ubuntu partition not touched) I just got some random GRUB Error 22. Any help to why this happened?

Problem No. 2: I can't resize my main Windows partition. It reboots, goes to the actual partitioning screen. And then says Error: Please defragment hard drive. So fine, it reboots, I go to defragment my hard drive and says that I need to launch chkdsk /f. So I go into CMD and launch that. It asks if I want to do it when I next reboot. I reboot and I don't get the chkdsk screen.

Thanks guys.

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Re: Need some help guys...
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 09:53:41 AM »
by the sound of it you corsed sector problems the only way i sorted mine out was i booted up winme boot floppy disk and went into fdisk deleted my unix one then windows after a reboot i had all my space back then reinstalled my stuff again i nether mess with partitions unless i need to
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Need some help guys...
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2009, 11:10:38 AM »
Ok I have 2 problems. Problem No. 1 is to do with Linux (Ubuntu) and problem No. 2 has to do with a partition.

Problem No. 1: Ok, the other night I done the stupidist thing and just deleted the Linux partition on my hard drive. So I fixed it by re-installing Ubuntu and just left it like. And then after messing with some partitions (Ubuntu partition not touched) I just got some random GRUB Error 22. Any help to why this happened?

Problem No. 2: I can't resize my main Windows partition. It reboots, goes to the actual partitioning screen. And then says Error: Please defragment hard drive. So fine, it reboots, I go to defragment my hard drive and says that I need to launch chkdsk /f. So I go into CMD and launch that. It asks if I want to do it when I next reboot. I reboot and I don't get the chkdsk screen.

Thanks guys.
1) Yes. Stop messing with partitions and you'll be fine. Try a simple GRUB reinstall and see if it fixes the error.
Code: [Select]
sudo grub
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)
Assuming ubuntu/grub was installed on the first partition. hdx,x is listen the hdd number, then partition number respectively.

2) Kinda dangerous resizing Windows partitions...not sure on this one. Once it's defragged you should be clear to resize, though.


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